Mobile Thief Who Stabbed The Back Of An Expedition Courier In Kelapa Gading Arrested
Photo: Antara

JAKARTA - The Criminal Investigation Unit of Kelapa Gading Police and North Jakarta Police arrested the perpetrators of the mobile phone robbery belonging to the expedition courier with the initials NF on Pegangsaan Dua Street, Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta. The arrests were made on Sunday evening, May 29.

North Jakarta Metro Police Chief Commissioner Wibowo said the three suspects arrested, namely MI, HA, and AD, had been detained at the Kelapa Gading Police Station for further investigation.

"Today we will carry out a release related to the case of the theft with violence that occurred on Sunday, May 29, 2022, at around 00.30, with the crime scene at Pegangsaan Dua Street, Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta," said Wibowo at the Kelapa Gading Police Headquarters, North Jakarta, Monday, May 30.

In the chronology of the incident, said Wibowo, the victim of NF was on his way home after work, followed or followed by three unknown people, suspected of being the perpetrators. After arriving at Pegangsaan Dua Street, Kelapa Gading, the victim had stopped checking her cellphone and was grabbed by the perpetrator.

"Where one of the people we suspect is the perpetrator immediately slashed the victim's back with a sharp weapon, the type of sickle," said Wibowo.

The victim NF did not fight back at all, but screamed when the perpetrator took the cellphone which had slipped from his grip during the stabbing incident.

"Here the victim fought against the three people while shouting for help. The victim's screams were heard by local residents and coincidentally there were also members of the Kelapa Gading Criminal Investigation Police who were on patrol," said Wibowo.

Upon hearing the victim's screams, members of the Kelapa Gading Police who were on patrol immediately chased the perpetrators along with the local community, and took one person into custody. However, the other two perpetrators fled while being chased by the police.

"Then we carried out an investigation and development, Alhamdulillah no more than once 24 hours, we managed to catch two other perpetrators. One perpetrator was arrested in the swamps which are still close to the crime scene, and the other one we arrested at his residence in the Lagoa area (Koja, North Jakarta)," said Wibowo.

Wibowo explained the role of the suspect MI as the executor who slashed the victim with a sickle, then the suspect HA was the executor who took the victim's cellphone, another person with the initials AD was a pillion driver for the two perpetrators while in action using the motorbike he was carrying.

The confiscated evidence consisted of a sickle used by the perpetrators, then a motorcycle used by the victim as a tool for crime.

Wibowo said that this was not the first time the perpetrators had committed a crime. It is currently developing an investigation into this case leading to seven incoming reports related to other violent thefts. Four are in the North Jakarta (Jakut) area and three crime scenes (TKP) are outside the jurisdiction of the North Jakarta Metro Police.

"They have committed the same crime more than once, namely violent theft. There have been seven reports, four of which are in Jakarta and three others in the Kelapa Gading area, one report in Cilincing, and three crime scenes outside the jurisdiction of the North Jakarta Metro Police. Later we will communicate with other Resort Police regarding the follow-up to the crime scene for the three suspects," said Wibowo.

Allegedly, said Wibowo, the three perpetrators of the robbery consumed methamphetamine drugs before launching their actions. To confirm this suspicion, a urine test will be carried out to determine whether the three were positive for taking drugs or not.

The three suspects will be charged with violating Article 365 paragraphs 1 and 2 of the Criminal Code (KUHP) with a threat of 12 years in prison.

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