How To Care For Cooking Equipment From Kayu So That Awet Is Used
Illustration of how to treat cooking utensils from wood so that they are durable (Freepic/atlascompany)

YOGYAKARTA Cooking utensils from wood, can last long if cared for properly. For example, spatula, a menumis tool that can also serve as a rice dip, can still function perfectly for years as long as it is not moldy.

Woodmen's shells, spoons, and spatulas can not break like those made from glass or plastic. Even if it breaks, this equipment can be connected and the treatment is relatively easy. If you have wood talent, it may be more complicated because it has to be washed clean and not allowed to moisturize so that it does not become a place for fungi to grow or plant bacteria.

Cooking utensils from wood, generally made from natural materials. Wood, prone to environmental changes. If you live in a dry place, wood will mongering. Or if it is constantly left moisturized, it will be moldy or fiber tenuous and fragile. Launching Eater, Monday, January 27, the first treatment that needs to be done is through a mixture of coconut oil, bee wax, and carnauba wax. The mixture of oil can be applied using microfiber. The goal is to create a strong barrier between tools and outside factors.

Things that are not allowed to be done, insert cooking utensils from wood in anealer. Wood tends to split if exposed to temperatures are too hot. It is better to wash it with soap with warm water to clean the residue. Then make sure the cloth with moist cloth is then place it in an open place to dry.

Please note, cooking utensils from wood are actually more durable than plastic. For example, talent, wood talent can last more than plastic or silicon. In addition, wood cooking utensils are also better for the environment. If you have to replace wood spoons, tissues, or dough enthusiasts, these objects can be compost.

If properly cared for, wood cooking utensils can be durable. Here's how to take care of cooking utensils from wood so that they can be used for long:

That's how to take care of cooking utensils and kitchen utensils from wood so that they are durable. You have other tips for making kitchen utensils from wood for longer to use?

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