IKN Bill Discusses Elimination Of Balang Island From IKN Region
Nusantara/DOK VIA National Capital Region (IKN) BETWEEN

JAKARTA - Minister of National Development Planning/Head of the National Development Planning Agency (PPN/Bappenas) Suharso Monoarfa conveyed the IKN Bill which had just discussed the removal of Balang Island from the Nusantara Capital (IKN) area.

"Updating the regional delineation in the background by the Balang Island area, which needs to be removed entirely from the IKN area, taking into account the management of one unitary ecosystem in an integrated manner as a unit with the waters of Balikpapan Bay," said Suharso in the Commission II Working Meeting of the DPR with the ranks of ministers reported by ANTARA, Monday, August 21.

The regional delineation is an effort to create a boundary line to form and mark a certain area.

Suharso explained, through the amendment to Article 6 paragraphs 1 to paragraph 3, Balang Island needs to be removed completely from the IKN area with considerations to avoid truncated residential areas in order to minimize social conflicts within residential areas due to separate management in one area.

In addition, the elimination of the island of Balang is needed to maintain the integration and integrity of the habitat management of Mahakam, administration, and public services.

"The truncated settlement needs to be removed entirely from the IKN area to avoid social conflicts due to separate management in one area, as well as to ensure that the implementation of basic service administration for the community by the local government of its parent," he said.

Suharso explained the risks that will arise if there is no such provision in the new IKN Bill, namely the truncated Balang Island area will be managed by two different administrations, so that it will complicate integrated government planning.

Another risk that is likely to arise is that residential areas, including population administration services, can be different in the same residential area so that it can cause social jealousy.

The plan is for the IKN Bill, which is currently under discussion, to be completed in October 2023.

Suharso also explained that the discussion of the new IKN Bill as a substitute for Law Number 3 of 2022 concerning IKN was needed to answer various new challenges and issues that were considered to hinder the process of moving the capital city on time.

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