11 Kelurahan Di Kendari Terundak Banjir Akibat Bulk Hujan Tinggi
The driver pushed his motorbike that broke down due to flooding in Kendari. BETWEEN

A total of 11 urban villages in five sub-districts in Kendari City, Southeast Sulawesi Province (Sultra) have been flooded due to high rainfall since Monday afternoon at 15.00 WITA.

"Rain causes flooding at many points," said Kendari Mayor Parinringi in Kendari, Monday.

Acting (Pj) Mayor of Kendari Parinringi in Kendari, Monday. He said that the 11 sub-districts hit by the flood were in five sub-districts, namely Puuwatu sub-district which includes Punggolaka, Lalodati, and Tobuha, Mandonga sub-districts in Mandonga Village and Korumba Village, then Kadia sub-district in two urban villages, namely Kadia and Pondambea.

Meanwhile, in West Kendari District, namely in Punggola and Dapu-Dapura Villages, as well as Poasia District in Anduonohu Village.

Parinringi explained that his party had coordinated with the kelurahan regarding efforts to handle and assess the condition of residents affected by the flood.

"Low-intensity rain is still ongoing in several areas, the impact of the disaster has been relatively handled and personnel are still on standby to anticipate possible disasters that may occur," he explained.

Head of RW 02 Korumba Village, Kendari City, Aburaera said the area had indeed been a flood subscription since 2013.

He said that flooding in the area was also caused by several drainage channels that were clogged due to the large amount of dirt deposited and the intensity of rain was quite high.

"This is the highest it can reach the thighs of adults," he said.

One of the residents of Lalodati Village, Haris, revealed that flooding in his area had occurred since 15.00 WITA.

He said that this flood could reach 1.5 meters and the highest since he lived in the area.

"This is the largest during this time it happened. Usually it also floods, but not like this," said Haris.

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