Religion Teacher At Elementary School In East Jakarta Allegedly Abused 7 Students, KemenPPPA Encourages Legal Officers To Be Maximum
Illustration of victims of sexual violence. (Unsplash)

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (KemenPPPA) Nahar has encouraged law enforcement officials to impose severe sanctions on a religion teacher at an elementary school in East Jakarta (East Jakarta) with the initial MA who sexually abused seven female students.

"Because the victims are children and more than one person, the perpetrators are threatened with increased punishment," said Deputy for Special Protection for Children of the Ministry of Child Protection, Nahar, in Jakarta, Monday, February 13, as reported by Antara.

He also asked the police to investigate the types of acts of sexual violence committed by the perpetrators against the victims.

"We hope that during the examination it will be necessary to prove the possibility that the victim's children experienced sexual abuse as referred to in Article 76E of Law 35 of 2014 concerning Child Protection or even intercourse that violated Article 76D of Law 35 of 2014," said Nahar.

He said, if these two acts were violated, the perpetrator could be subject to criminal sanctions of up to 15 years in prison and an additional 1/3 because the perpetrator was an educator, so that he could face up to 20 years in prison.

Nahar said that currently the child victims have been assisted by the DKI Jakarta Women and Children Empowerment Integrated Service Center (P2TP2A) team.

"We have coordinated with (P2TP2A) DKI," said Nahar.

Previously, MA, a religion teacher at an elementary school in Duren Sawit, East Jakarta, was suspected of sexually assaulting seven female students.

This case allegedly occurred since July 2022 and was only revealed after a victim dared to report it.

The honorary teacher has now been named a suspect and detained by the police.

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