YOGYAKARTA - Mother's milk or breast milk has a very important role in meeting the nutritional needs of the baby at the beginning of her life. However, not a few mothers face problems with the smooth production of breast milk. To overcome this problem, breastfeeding can consume the lopsided fruit.
One way to support the smooth production of breast milk is to eat certain foods and fruits. Fruits rich in vitamins not only provide health benefits for breastfeeding mothers, but can also help improve the quality and quantity of breast milk.
Several certain types of fruit have been proven traditionally to help facilitate breast milk. So what are the breast milk customers recommended for consumption by breastfeeding mothers?
Here are some of the fruits that have benefits to help breastfeeding mothers:
Pepaya is a very popular fruit for breastfeeding mothers because it is rich in vitamins A and C, as well as pain enzymes that can help increase digestion. Papaya is also believed to stimulate breast milk production. Consumption of papaya fruit either young or mature can help facilitate the flow of breast milk.
Avocado is a fruit rich in healthy fats, such as omega-3 fatty acids, and is rich in vitamin E which is good for skin health. The content of healthy fats in avocados is very helpful in increasing breast milk production because breast milk also contains healthy fats that are very important for the development of the baby's brain.
In addition, avocado is also easy to digest and can provide extra energy for breastfeeding mothers. Breastfeeding mothers can consume avocado in the form of fruit or are processed into juice.
Dates are fruit that is very beneficial for breastfeeding mothers. In addition to providing fast energy, dates also contain various minerals such as potassium, magnesium, and iron that are important for the mother's body.
Dates are believed to help increase breast milk production by stimulating hormones that play a role in breast milk production. Mothers can consume several dates every day to help breast milk.
Apples are fruit that is rich in fiber and vitamin C which is important for the health of mothers and babies. In addition, apples also contain antioxidants that can help maintain the mother's immune system.
The fiber contained in apples helps improve digestion which can indirectly help the smoother milk production process. Mother can eat apples directly or make them juice.
Leci is a fruit rich in vitamin C and water. This fruit is very useful for breastfeeding mothers because it is believed to help facilitate milk production. The water content in leci helps keep the mother's body well hydrated, while vitamin C supports skin health and the mother's immune system.
Jeruk is a fruit rich in vitamin C, so it plays an important role in increasing the immune system of mothers and babies. Vitamin C also supports the absorption of iron in the mother's body which is important to maintain the health of mothers while breastfeeding.
In addition, the water content in oranges helps keep the mother's body hydrated. Therefore, consuming oranges plays a role in supporting the smooth production of breast milk.
Tomatoes rich in lycopene or antioxidants that play an important role in improving body health. The vitamin C content and water in tomatoes are also very helpful in maintaining the hydration of the mother's body, as well as increasing breast milk production. You can eat raw tomatoes or process them into various dishes.
Mango is a fruit rich in vitamins A and C, as well as antioxidants that can increase the mother's immune system. Mango can also help facilitate milk production because of its high vitamin content.
In addition, mangoes contain fiber that can help the digestive process. This benefit is very important to support maternal health during breastfeeding.
Those are some breastfeeding agents that can be consumed by breastfeeding mothers. In addition, it is also important to maintain a balanced diet, adequate rest, and routine breastfeeding so that breastfeeding production remains optimal. Also read the signs of a baby with enough breast milk and deficiencies.
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