The Judge Told Ferdy Sambo, All Defendants Don't Know Harassment In Magelang: Until Now We Are Confused
The defendant Ferdy Sambo who was examined as a defendant at the South Jakarta District Court (Rizky Adytia Pramana-VOI)

JAKARTA - Chief Judge Wahyu Iman Santoso alluded to the absence of witnesses and other defendants who knew the alleged abuse against Putri Candrawathi. However, Ferdy Sambo still believes that the incident actually happened in Magelang.

The call began when Judge Wahyu brought up the statements of the witnesses and three other defendants, Strong Ma'ruf, Ricky Rizal, and Bharada Richard totaling which could not confirm the alleged harassment.

"I ask again. In accordance with the facts of the trial that has existed so far, what was conveyed earlier was that you said sexual harassment or more than sexual harassment, from the witnesses and the defendants, from Ricky Rizal to Strong Ma'ruf, including Custodian, they did not know about the incident," explained Judge Wahyu at the trial at the South Jakarta District Court, Tuesday, January 10.

In fact, the judge said that from the facts of the trial until now only Putri Candrawathi and Ferdy Sambo conveyed this matter.

So, it is undeniable that the lack of information made the panel of judges confused about the truth behind the allegations.

"Then, what is being tried regarding the incident of sexual harassment or what you say is more than sexual harassment is only explained by your own wife and relatives," said Judge Wahyu.

"So until today we are confused and some of your witnesses say that it is just an illusion of the incident in Magelang. Can you explain?" he continued.

Ferdy Sambo emphasized that he believed in his wife's confession that he had been harassed. Because, according to him, it would be useless to lie about sensitive things.

"Regarding the explanation of my wife on the third floor, I believe the truth is. Because my wife did not want to lie about an incident like that. What is the point for her," said Ferdy Sambo.

Meanwhile, Ferdy Sambo continued, regarding the statement of illusion to witness Kombes Sugeng Putut Wicaksono was said to be only to smooth out the scenario of the shootout behind the death of Brigadier J.

"Regarding the explanation of the illusion that witness Putut explained, I don't have to explain that. Because to straighten out my untrue story," explained Ferdy Sambo.

"So Sugeng Putut's statement when you only said it was an illusion just to justify your scenario?" asked the judge emphasizing.

"His Majesty, because my scenario starts from Duren Tiga," said Ferdy Sambo.

Ferdy Sambo is said to have planned the murder of Brigadier J while on the third floor of Saguling's house, Duren Tiga, South Jakarta.

At that time, he asked Ricky Rizal to shoot. However, the request was rejected. So, Ferdy Sambo turned to Bharada Richarad totaling. The request to shoot was agreed.

The shooting of Brigadier J was carried out in the living room of the official residence of the Police Complex, Duren Tiga, South Jakarta, on July 8.

The reason behind the shooting planning was because of the story about the harassment by Brigadier J against his wife, Putri Candrawathi.

With the series of events and roles behind it, Ferdy Sambo was charged with violating Article 340 of the Criminal Code, subsidiary 338 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph 1 to (1). Thus, the maximum sentence of death, life imprisonment or a maximum of 20 years.

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