JAKARTA - Emotional pain due to not getting affection as a child can be realized in various ways, whether you are aware of it or not. It could be that you feel empty or numb. You can also live with depression and anxiety. Whatever it is, unresolved trauma will always look for ways to be recognized.
Launching Psych Central, Tuesday, February 4, here are the steps that can help you recover from the trauma of feelingcintaated by your parents.
"Start by identifying internal children who feel neglected," suggested Lily Thrope, a clinical social worker in New York City.
Kenal bagaimana Anda dapat merawat internal child itu sekarang.
In fact, learning to take care of yourself is important.
"Say statements to yourself, which you actually want to listen to from parents. Learn to give the love, validation and support you always need," said Avigail Lev, a psychologist in San Francisco, California.
Caring for an inner child also requires you to remember that in the past or now you are innocent.
It's not about accepting or justifying painful behavior, but rather about finding out the reasons behind the behavior.
"Think about what parents are going through, so they become parents who lack love," says Birne-Stone.
Realizing that they may have experienced trauma themselves can help you know how they treat you is not something personal. On the other hand, it is a symptom of what they experience themselves and have nothing to do with you.
What you feel is natural, valid, and not unusual.
"Remember yourself that it's okay to feel what you're feeling," said Kailey Hockridge, a clinical counselor in Los Angeles, California.
Sometimes a person's feelings are not recognized or validated in a way that feels meaningful when he is a child, and doing it for yourself as an adult can be wise.
"It might be a good idea to find out if you still expect something from parents they can't afford," said Wendy Pitts, a clinical social worker in Baltimore, Maryland.
Realizing that nothing can be done so that parents show love for you can be a free feeling. Being ancintaated child is not something you cause or deserve.
It might be worth reminding yourself that you've done the best you can at any given moment.
"It's hard to turn from criticizing yourself into loving yourself, but what needs to be done for love is trying not to demean yourself," Hockridge said.
"First, tell me that your needs are not met and give love to your current state," saidten Glynn Carey, a mental health counselor on Spring Hill, Florida.
"Recognize what happened to you and use that understanding to release the shame or blame yourself that you may feel."
Aware that the challenges you face today are a natural consequence of what you experienced as a child can help you shift focus to things that will happen next.
"The hope that despite what happened in the past, things can be different in the future and you can make changes," added Carey.
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