Fear Of Losing His Life, A Young Man In Pinang Tangerang Can Only Give Up His Motorbike, Brought By Five Thieves
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TANGERANG - A young man in Tangerang has again become a victim of a motorcycle robbery on Jalan KH Hasyim Ashari, Pinang, Tangerang City. The victim is helpless because his life is in danger when dealing with a group of robbers. As a result of the incident, the victim's motorbike disappeared with the perpetrators.

Pinang Police Chief Iptu Tapril said the incident occurred on Wednesday, June 1, at 00.30 WIB. He added that the victim was forced to give up his motorbike because he was subjected to violence by the group.

"Yes, it's true that there was an incident of motorbike confiscation," said Tapril when contacted, Thursday, June 2.

The incident began when the victim, whose identity has not been identified, was riding a motorcycle at the crime scene (TKP). Suddenly a group of people who were also on motorbikes grabbed the victim.

"The perpetrators, totaling five people, caught the victim. Then the victim stopped and the perpetrators asked for the victim's motorbike to be handed over," he said.

Tapril explained that the five perpetrators then threatened the victim with several threats of violence. The goal is for the victim to give up his motorbike.

"Because of the pressure, the victim then handed over his vehicle to the perpetrator. The victim was not injured," he explained.

Tapril ensured that the group of perpetrators was not from a gang of gangsters. And now they are still carrying out further investigations.

"We are asking for witness statements at the scene. The victim has also reported the incident to the Pinang Police, and we are pursuing the whereabouts of the perpetrators," he concluded.

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