Tips For Using Retinol On Dry Skin, Sandwich System Is Key
Illustration (Sora Shimazaki/Pexels)

JAKARTA - Skin and genital specialist Dr. Pipim S. Bayasari, Sp.DV recommends the use of a sandwich system when it comes to applying skin care products containing retinol in very dry skin conditions.

"The way to use it when the skin is very dry, it uses a sandwich system, serum, moisturizer, retinol, moisturizer again," he said, launching the ANTARA page, Monday, January 27.

Retinol is useful for accelerating replacement of dead skin cells with new healthy skin cells and increasing collagen production so that one of them can reduce wrinkles. Retinol and retinoids are also known to reduce photoaging signs and skin damage due to ultraviolet light exposure. And work well for conditions such as acne and hyperpigmentation.

However, the use of retinol is not recommended every day but two to three times a week and is part of skin care at night. On dryer skin, the shield is basically disrupted so that the use of very strong retinol has the potential to be dangerous and irritate. Causing redness, peeling, and the sensation of burning on the skin.

These unwanted side effects can be avoided, or at least reduced. By following experts on the best way to apply retinol to dry skin. Pipim says at night, people should focus on restoration or skin regeneration. Therefore, they need serum, moisturizer, night cream products and contain active ingredients.

"So the order is a natural wash, toner, serum starting from liquid with antioxidant content, followed by a moisturizer just entering the active material starting from those that support collagen, retinol," he explained.

People, especially those who are 20 years old, can also take collagen supplements at night as part of an effort to protect the skin in the morning.

"Because when we drink, we don't immediately get the results," he said.

Meanwhile, in the morning, people are advised to focus on protecting and preventing skin problems, especially the bad effects of sunlight, so this is the reason for the need for sunscreen.

"Prevention in the sense of avoiding free radicals and that is the function of the serum entering. Serum with vitamins C, vitamin E and Niacinamide," said Pipim's message.

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