Muhammad Disappointed Beaten And Smeared With Human Dirt By Inspector General Napoleon Bonaparte, This Is A Bareskrim Step
Archives - Inspector General Napoleon Bonaparte during a trial some time ago (Photo: Rizky/VOI)

JAKARTA - The Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police will examine seven witnesses in the alleged beating of Muhammad Kece by Inspector General Napoleon Bonaparte. Of the witnesses, four of them were guards at the detention house (rutan).

"Yes, that's right, the plan is for four of us from prison officers," said the Director of General Crimes at the National Police Criminal Investigation Agency Brigadier General Andi Rian Djajadi to VOI, Monday, September 20.

Meanwhile, the other three witnesses are Bareskrim detainees. This examination was carried out to find the beginning to the cause of the alleged abuse.

"There are also 3 witnesses from detention. We plan to examine 7 witnesses," said Andi.

Allegations of abuse against M. Kece have been reported to the Criminal Investigation Department. The report is registered with the number LP: 0510/VIII/2021/Bareskrim, dated August 26, 2021.

The results of the preliminary investigation, M. Kece was not only beaten. It was later discovered that he was also covered in dirt.

"In the examination, it was revealed that apart from the beating, the perpetrator NB also smeared the victim's face and body with human waste that had been prepared by the perpetrator," said Brigadier General Andi.

Andi said the incident occurred on the same day Kece was tortured in solitary confinement.

"Yes, while hitting also smeared human waste," he said. The human waste had been prepared by Napoleon and stored in his cell. A witness claimed to have received orders to take the excrement.

Then the perpetrator smeared the dirt on the face and body of M Kece, a suspect in the alleged crime of blasphemy.

"One of the witnesses was ordered by NB to take the package of dirt that had been prepared in NB's room, then NB himself smeared it," said Andi.

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