JAKARTA - Over the weekend, Apple announced that it opened the Swift Build as an open source project. Swift Build is a build engine used by Xcode and in various internal company projects.
In addition, Apple has also made few name changes to Swift Playgrounds, an app that helps users learn to code with Swift on the iPad and Mac.
Apple announced this move on Saturday, February 1. "Along with Swift's development, there is value in developing a uniform, powerful, and flexible cross-platform building tool throughout the ecosystem."
As a first step in the new chapter of Swift's build technology, Apple has now opened the Swift Build as an open source. Swift Build is a powerful and expandable build engine that provides a set of build rules to build Swift's project. Swift Build is a machine used by Xcode, supports millions of apps on the App Store, and is used in Apple's operating system's internal build process.
Apple stated that this decision was aimed at eliminating confusion due to two different build packages, as well as paving the way for new features.
"Compared to the build engine at Xcode, the build engine at Swift Package Manager is relatively simple. On Apple's platform, the existence of two different build methods has caused confusion among users, especially when the behavior of these two implementations does not fit. By donating a build Xcode machine to Swift's project and developing it as an open source along with Swift's compiler, Apple provides the tools needed to address this issue and provides a better build experience for all Swift users."
This step will be the basis for enabling new features and upgrades on various platforms and tools, as well as optimizing developer performance and experience. The Swift Build is now available on GitHub.
John Takemukan bahwa Apple juga memperbarui Swift Playground dan mengubah namanya dari bentuk jamak menjadi tunggal.
"The interesting detail in the latest update of Apple's app to learn and experiment with Swift: now it's called the Playground, no longer the Playgrounds. I wouldn't really mind changing this name, but I think it makes more sense. This app is a 'playground'' place to play with Swift instead of a factory to create some playback. "
With this step, Apple demonstrates their commitment to continuing to improve the Swift ecosystem, both in terms of development tools and learning experience for its users.
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