JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) ensures that budget efficiency will not interfere with its performance. Likewise with the search for their fugitive, one of which is former PDIP candidate Harun Masiku.
This was conveyed by KPK Chairman Setyo Budiyanto in response to Presidential Instruction Number 1 of 2025 concerning Expenditure Efficiency in the Implementation of the 2025 APBN and APBD.
"Until now there are no obstacles. Still according to the 2025 target," Setyo told reporters in a written statement, Tuesday, February 4.
Meanwhile, KPK spokesman Tessa Mahardhika said budget savings targeted several sectors. Among them are related to official travel to office operations.
"In order to support the government's program in 2025, the KPK has also taken various steps to save budget, including related to official travel and office operations," he told reporters in a written statement, Tuesday, January 28.
In cutting official travel costs, the KPK will prioritize holding meetings such as training and socialization carried out online or optimizing rooms and environments around the KPK building.
"As for activities outside the city, priority scales will be carried out and restrictions on the number of personnel will be carried out," said the spokesman with the investigator's background.
In the efficiency of office operational costs, the KPK will gradually reduce printed goods by optimizing digital archives, including the efficiency of managing indoor work facilities or buildings.
As for the honorarium, continued Tessa, the KPK did not allocate the funds from the start because it had implemented a single sale system.
"Through this efficiency, the KPK hopes that the performance of eradicating corruption can still be carried out effectively, of course with various collaborations with stakeholders and all levels of society," he explained.
As previously reported, President Prabowo Subianto decided to make spending budget efficiency of IDR 306.69 trillion in the APBN and APBD for the 2025 fiscal year through Presidential Instruction Number 1 of 2025. This step was later reaffirmed through the Minister of Finance Letter Number S-37/MK.02/2025.
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