JAKARTA - The Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) said in a news release that the countries of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) plan to launch a massive gross campaign to overthrow Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.
"NATO wants to see the head of the Kiev regime step down, ideally through a pseudo democratic general election. The alliance predicts that this general election will be held in Ukraine no later than this fall," the release said.
"Ahead of the general election campaign, NATO headquarters is working on a plan to carry out a massive smear campaign to undermine Zelensky's credibility (President)," he continued.
Furthermore, according to the SVR, the plan is to "make public information 'president' and its inner circle has embezzled more than $1.5 billion in funds meant to buy ammunition."
In addition, the plan is reportedly "disclosure of a scheme in which payments aimed at the 130,000 Ukrainian soldiers who died who are still officially registered as active duty personnel have been channeled overseas by Zelensky and his colleagues," SVR said.
"They also plan to repeatedly uncover the involvement of Ukraine's 'highest commander' in the sale of large numbers of weapons and Western donations vehicles to various armed groups in African countries," he continued.
So, "even NATO realizes Zelensky's time is up. It's a shame that this awareness must be paid for with the lives of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians," he said.
"NATO leaders want to defend Ukraine as an anti-Russian stronghold by all means," the intelligence service said.
"Their goal is to 'strengthen' the conflict by guiding the warring parties towards dialogue about 'the beginning of the settlement,'" he said.
"Washington and Brussels seem to agree the biggest obstacle to this is Zelensky, who, behind closed doors, is referred to as the 'dead load' in the West," SVR said, adding Brussels believed the Ukrainian military "would soon be unable to withstand the increasing intense attacks by the Russian army."
"With Donald Trump in power in the US, there is growing uncertainty about the continuation of military aid by the West to Kiev," he added.
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