Dismissing The Issue Of Cancellation Of The AD/ART Ratification Decree, Golkar: There Is A Sesat Opinion Driver
Golkar Party Deputy Adies Kadir and Idrus Marham at the DPR building, parliament complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, November 19, 2024.

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson of the Golkar Party, Idrus Marham, emphasized that there was an attempt to lead misleading opinions in the issue of the cancellation of the Minister of Law's Decree regarding the ratification of the Golkar Party's AD/ART at the Jakarta Administrative Court.

According to him, until now, the Administrative Court has not yet decided on the lawsuit against the Decree of the Minister of Law regarding the ratification of the Golkar Party's AD/ART.

"This is really led by opinions in such a way and this is misleading. It seems as if there has been a decision, even though it hasn't," said Idrus when meeting the Deputy Chairperson of the Golkar Party, Adies Kadir, at the Parliament Complex, Tuesday, November 19.

Idrus said Adies Kadir understood better about the decree on the ratification of the Golkar Party's AD/ART. The reason is that Adies Kadir is a legal waketum for the Golkar Party DPP and when the National Conference was led by the Steering Committee (SC) and the head of the Golkar Party National Conference session.

"He (Adies Kadir) understands very well because the chairman of SC, the head of the National Conference and in the management is the deputy chairman in charge of legal affairs. The three positions provide legality that what he said was a fact and that fact became the basis for truth, not a hoax," he said.

Responding to this, Adies emphasized that there were actually four lawsuits against the Golkar Party, two at the West Jakarta District Court and two at the Jakarta Administrative Court. According to him, in the West Jakarta District Court, one lawsuit has been decided and the results have been rejected, while the other has not yet.

The plaintiffs, said Adies, did not have a strong legal standing because they were not participants in the national deliberation (munas) and their status as cadres was questioned. "There are several cadres but also no longer administrators," said the deputy chairman of the DPR.

Adies explained that in the Jakarta Administrative Court there were two lawsuits, namely number 424 which was still under preliminary examination and number 389 which had just entered the stage of reading the lawsuit. The lawsuit questioned the results of the national deliberation (munas) which decided Bahlil Lahadalia to become chairman of the Golkar Party.

He was also optimistic that the lawsuit was rejected because the Golkar Party National Conference was carried out in accordance with the articles of association and household budget (AD/ART). "The trial for reading the lawsuit tomorrow. So it is not true that there are already decisions if there are news," concluded Adies

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