JAKARTA - Actor Kim Sung Cheol apologized for the incident that recently occurred. He participated in the pole feature carried out by a vulgar account.
The controversy began when the Instagram account was seen following a poll feature created by an account containing the appearance of a female idol that was deliberately slowed down. This account is considered inappropriate and offends the artist.
Kim Sung Cheol was caught as one of the participants when his account name appeared on the list of participants. Through his agency, the singer of Tiramisu Cake apologized for his interaction.
"He (Kim Sung Cheol) regretted the mistakes of this action," said Story J Company as Kim Sung Cheol's agency.
Furthermore, the agency also denied that Kim Sung Cheol followed the account and only gave a vote when the video appeared on the Home section.
It's not true that he followed or consumed content from the account that appeared in the suggestions category. After realizing his controversial account, he canceled the vote," he explained.
It seems that this issue has an impact on other artists and feels guilty for that. We have apologized through their agency. This incident is due to carelessness and we will be more careful in social media activities going forward to avoid the same mistakes." close the agency.
Apart from Kim Sung Cheol, actor Kim Min Seok has also become controversial due to similar interactions but his agency has not given a statement like Sung Cheol.
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