Minister Bahlil Will Increase Elpiji 3 Kg Certificate Status As Sub-Distributor
Illustration (Photo: Doc. ANTARA)

JAKARTA - Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Bahlil Lahadalia revealed that he would convert 3 kilograms of LPG (kg) retailers into sub-sellers.

This is suspected to be the weight of the requirements that must be met by retailers.

"So now we encourage those who retail, we will raise their status, they were used as a base. But the conditions are too big, which Pertamina requires," Bahlil said at a Working Meeting (Raker) with Commission XII DPR RI, Monday, February 3.

Rencana untuk mengubah pencer menjadi sub-penyaluran ini, kata dia, dimaksudkan agar masyarakat dapat mencapai tabung gas melon ini dengan lebih mudah, harga yang terkendali dan tepat sasaran. Bahlil memastikan syarat yang akan dikenakan bagi pencer untuk menjadi sub-penyaluran akan disimplekan, termasuk modal yang harus disiapkan.

"What is the goal of all of you, so that the LPG sold is really still controlled because it is through the application. So that people can really get LPG well and then also at affordable prices," said Bahlil.

Bahlil said, for retailers whose distribution process is considered good, they will immediately get a temporary permit to become a suib-relayer without being charged additional fees as stated in the requirements.

"We don't mean at all to make our society as if or find it difficult to get LPG. And there is no volume reduction and there is no reduction in subsidies. This is just a matter of changing a little," said Bahlil.

Based on VOI's monitoring on Pertamina Patra Niaga's official website, there are many registration provisions that must be met by the channeling sub to become the official agent of the PSO LPG, including:

1. Prospective Partners must be in the form of a Business Entity (Limited Company / Cooperative) as evidenced by a complete deed of establishment and ratification of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. 2. Prospective Partners are expected to prepare the results of a scan of the company's NPWP. 4. Minimum land area of 165m2 for LPG agents, for a minimum spbe of 4,150 m2 (83m x 50 m), and BPT at least 1,000 m2 (40mx25m).5. Proof of account balance in the name of the owner/business entity (in the form of a bank account for the last 3 months), or deposits with a minimum balance of Rp 750,000,000 for LPG agents, Rp. 3,500,000,000 for SPBE and Rp. 2,000,000,000 for BPT.

Meanwhile, the requirements for the administration of a New LPG Agent permit are as follows:

1. Determination of Business Entity (example Limited Company or Cooperative) and its amendments, which have obtained approval from the competent authorities.

2. NPWP (Taxpaypayer Basic Number).

3. Bank Reference Letter.

4. SIUP (Trading Business Permit).

5. TDP (Company Register SIGN) for Legal Entities.

6. The permit for disturbances and/or SITU (Business Permit) refers to the provisions of the local government.

7. Building Permit Letter (IMB).

8. Police Records Certificate (SKCK) from the local Police for all Directors and Commissioners listed in the company deed.

9. The composition of the management and the number of employees.

10. List of 3 kg LPG Bases and Outlets along with Agreement Contracts between agents and bases.

11. Statements on shared paper such as being able to finance all facilities and facilities of the Elpiji Agent, are willing to comply with all statutory provisions, Pertamina and the local regional government as well as the Integrity Pact.

12. A LPG Distribution Certificate issued by the relevant agencies.

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