Prohibited From Demonstrations At PBNU, GP Ansor Is Ready To Beat Demonstrators
Gus Addin General Chairperson of GP Ansor (doc GP Ansor)

JAKARTA - GP General Chairperson Ansor Addin Jauharudin instructed Banser to act decisively against parties who demonstrated in front of the PBNU office on Jalan Kramat Raya, Jakarta. This follows an action that is considered to have exceeded the limits and violated Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) ethics.

"If there is another action in front of the PBNU office, Banser does not need to hesitate. I have ordered to expel and take firm action if they do not want to leave," said Gus Addin in his statement, Monday, August 5.

Gus Addin emphasized that there should be no more demonstrations in front of the PBNU office. "Yesterday's action must be the last. We have to take care of NU. This is our office, where we were educated and raised," said Gus Addin.

Therefore, he warned that anyone who intends to hold a demonstration in front of the PBNU office will face GP Ansor-Banser.

"Anyone who demonstrates in front of PBNU, whatever the reason, will face us," he said.

The former chairman of PB PMII and the Secretary General of KNPI emphasized that the NU building is a sacred place, where scholars work and are solemn. "We must guard this building. Ansor and Banser will be ready to wait for orders from the General Chairperson of PBNU," he added.

Previously, a group of people on behalf of "Aliansi Santri Gus Dur" held a demonstration in front of the Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Executive Board building on Friday, August 2, 2024.

In the action led by Muhammad Sholihin, the demonstrators demanded that the General Chairperson of PBNU KH Yahya Cholil Staquf and PBNU Secretary General H Saifullah Yusuf resign from his position, on the grounds that he was considered to have deviated from PBNU's big goal. Several posters were carried that read, "The chairman of PBNU and the Secretary General of PBNU must resign."

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