Economist: It Needs To Be Reviewed For People Who Have The Right To Buy 3 Kilograms Of Elpiji
Photo: Doc. Antara

JAKARTA - Executive Director of the Indonesian Center of Reform on Economics (CORE) Mohammad Faisal said that a review is needed related to people who have the right to buy a subsidized 3 kg LPG.

He mentioned that currently the condition of the community who is under pressure is not only the lower economic class, but also the middle class.

"Definition rather than not being on target may need to be reviewed. Because of the current conditions in society, those who are experiencing economic pressure are no longer poor people, but also the middle class," said Faisal, quoted by Antara in Jakarta, Monday, February 3.

He continued, the middle class currently has a wide range, with some approaching poverty and some approaching the upper class, so it is necessary to redefinition the feasibility of people who are allowed to access 3 kg of LPG.

"The service of the community should not only be the poor. But, then it must also be seen that some of the middle class are not doing well, actually the conditions are," said Faisal.

On this occasion, he mentioned the need to prepare a mature distribution system, so that there is no shortage of 3 kg LPG among the community.

This what needs to be prepared is the readiness of the distribution system. Because if not, what happens of course will occur later because it has been banned from being channeled to retailers," said Faisal.

In addition, he continued, it is necessary to carry out intense socialization to avoid panic buying because the public does not understand the process of transitioning the distribution of 3 kg LPG.

"Good socialization to avoid panic buying," said Faisal.

He reminded that the need for 3 kg LPG is very large for the lower economy, the vulnerable medium economy, to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs).

As is known, starting February 1, 2025, the government has implemented a new policy to ensure that the distribution of energy subsidies is more targeted, which only Pertamina's official agent can sell 3 kg LPG.

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