JAKARTA President Prabowo Subianto to the ranks of the Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Board (PBNU) stated that he would attend the peak of the commemoration of NU's 102nd Birthday (Harlah) at Istora Senayan, Jakarta, Wednesday (5/2).
Chairman of PBNU KH Yahya Cholil Staquf, accompanied by Rais 'Aam PBNU KH Miftachul Akhyar and PBNU Secretary General Saifullah Yusuf, delivered NU's 102nd Harlah invitation to President Prabowo to the Presidential Palace complex, Jakarta, Monday, February 3.
"Alhamdulillah, the President welcomes and is pleased that God willing, he will be present at the reception at the peak of the NU Harlah commemoration," said the General Chairperson (Ketum) of PBNU after meeting President Prabowo at the Presidential Palace Complex, Jakarta.
In his meeting with President Prabowo which lasted for approximately 2 hours, the General Chairperson of PBNU also explained the series of NU's 102nd Harlah commemoration activities, including sarasehan with the ulama on Tuesday (4/2).
"God willing, we will carry out the gathering with the scholars tomorrow regarding Astacita. In fact, he (President, ed.) ordered that a package of books be sent regarding Astacita to the sarasehan participants," said Gus Yahya, Yahya Cholil Staquf's nickname.
The gathering with NU scholars is scheduled to take place Tuesday at 13.00 WIB at the Sultan's Hotel Hall, Jakarta.
Gus Yahya, in the same press conference session, also assessed that the contents of the PBNU leadership meeting with President Prabowo were warm. The President also conveyed several ideas and government priority programs.
"This is a meeting among old friends so that there are many stories, very warm memories for all of us. But what is even more important is that the President conveys in detail ideas about how there is a lot of wealth that this country has to save," said the General Chairperson of PBNU.
Gus Yahya then told President Prabowo that PBNU is ready to support all national development agendas and government programs.
"We provide ourselves to contribute to supporting the agendas that have been prepared by President Prabowo's administration in an effort to help the community, and to seek benefit for the community," continued Gus Yahya.
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