Roads In IKN Nusantara Targeted To Recharge Electric Vehicles

JAKARTA The National Capital Infrastructure Development Task Force (IKN), Ministry of PUPR, revealed that roads at IKN Nusantara are equipped with technology that can recharge or charging for electric vehicles (EV).

"There is technology that we are exploring, IKN itself only (permits) electric and road vehicles in IKN can later recharge the vehicle when it passes," said the Head of the Task Force (Kasatgas) for IKN Infrastructure Development, Danis Sumadilaga, as reported by ANTARA, Monday, August 28.

According to Danis, the road technology that can charge electric vehicles has been tested in several countries.

"We will try later in certain parts, whether the technology can become a charging lane or a charging lane for electric vehicles," he said.

In addition, electric vehicle charging facilities are also built in rest areas and services (TIP) or toll road rest areas at IKN.

Based on Law Number 3 of 2022 concerning the State Capital, future travel in IKN Nusantara is a journey that embraces innovation to increase travel through mobility as a service (MaaS), searches for future dynamic routes and mobility modes, including electric vehicles, as well as connected and autonomous vehicles for public transportation.

The IKN Nusantara city transportation system uses a combination of vehicle use, namely electricity and hydrogen-based. The electric vehicles used are based on new technology.

IKN as the smart forest city adopts the initiative to ensure that transportation provision prioritizes the principle of low emission (net zero emissions), one of which is through the use of electric vehicles.

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