Religious Teachers In Tangerang Cabuli 7 Underage Girls
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TANGERANG - A total of 7 minors are suspected of being victims of sexual abuse by a religious teacher in Tangerang. The Tangerang Metro Police Chief, Kombes Zain Dwi Nugroho, explained that the perpetrator with the initials M had committed his actions from December 2022 to January 2023.

Zain said that the case was revealed after the victim's parents reported it to the police.

"The victim's parents admitted that their child had become a victim of sexual abuse while studying religion at M's house," Zain told reporters, Thursday, February 9.

Zain also explained that after an investigation it was discovered that there were more than three victims.

"From the results of the investigation, the number of sexual abuse victims has increased from three people to seven people," he said.

The evidence that was secured was the victim's clothes and the perpetrator's clothes and the results of the post-mortem.

Zain said that currently the perpetrators are languishing in the Tangerang City Metro Police Detention Center.

"Currently we are continuing to complete the examination and provide assistance to the victim. We are investigating the case. What is clear is that the perpetrator carried out the action because he wanted to channel his desires," he added.

To account for his actions, M was threatened with Article 76 D Junto Article 81, Article 76 E Article 82 of the Republic of Indonesia Law on child protection with a threat of imprisonment for 15 years.

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