Government Performs Consolidation Of Manasik Ahead Of The Peak Of Hajj Implementation
Pilgrims perform umrah at the Grand Mosque, Mecca. (ANTARA/Desi Purnamawati)

JAKARTA - The government has stabilized the Hajj rituals before the peak of the implementation of the pilgrimage through guidance officers and worship consultants who are carried out every day at accommodation or hotels for prospective pilgrims.

"Towards the climax of the pilgrimage, the Indonesian government pays special attention to matters relating to the rituals of the pilgrimage and guidance for the pilgrimage," said Wawan Djunaedi, head of the Data and Information Public Relations Bureau at the Ministry of Religion, as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, July 1.

He said this service is here to remind, review, and ensure the congregation about the understanding of the pillars, obligatory, and other matters regulated in the provisions of the rituals of Hajj.

During the ritual, he said, material on rukhsah or legal relief in the pilgrimage, he said, was also presented. Thus, pilgrims who are physically weak and sick can still carry out a series of worship in accordance with the Shari'a and the nature of worship.

"Weak and sick conditions do not prevent pilgrims from continuing to carry out Hajj in accordance with the Shari'a and the nature of worship so that their Hajj remains valid and mabrur," he said.

Thus, the government urges the congregation to follow the rituals of Hajj. They are asked to ask questions and consult if they do not understand and the congregation prioritizes the value of worship, meaning and wisdom from the series of pilgrimages.

"Thus, the government really wants every Indonesian pilgrim to be able to carry out his entire series of worship correctly and orderly," he said.

The Ministry of Religion also reported that up to now, 84,889 pilgrims have arrived in the Holy Land, while 3,407 pilgrims have arrived in the Holy Land.

The congregation who arrived in Jeddah on Friday were 2,452 people from nine flying groups (kloters) at six embarkations, namely Balikpapan, Jakarta Saudi Airlines, Palembang, Solo, Surabaya and Makassar.

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