News About Hasto On Entered The Press Council
Repdem reported one of the news to the Press Council because it was considered detrimental to PDIP (Photo: Special)

JAKARTA - The news entitled 'Saeful Bahri Admits the Source of Bribery for KPU Commissioner Comes from Hasto' has been questioned by the PDI-P wing organization, Volunteers for Democracy Struggle (Repdem). The news aired on Friday, January 10, at 03.56 WIB.

Secretary General of DPN Repdem Wanto Sugito said he was considered inaccurate, contained slander, ignored the code of ethics, thus cornering the PDI-P. Even so, he said that this complaint was the initiation of the DPN Repdem and representatives of regional administrators to protect the good name of the PDI-P.

"In the news there is a justification for the title, framing, unconfirmed opinion driving and cornering the PDI Perjuangan," said Wanto Sugito, at the Press Council Building, Wednesday, January 15. He added that as a pillar of democracy, the press is expected to be able to present accurate news.

Furthermore, he suspected that the news had the potential to violate the Press Law and journalistic code of ethics.

"In the news, there was an opinion stirring through the headline game that harmed the PDI Perjuangan institution and the PDI Perjuangan Secretary General," said Wanto, who is a former journalist.

On the same occasion, Head of Legal Affairs DPN Repdem Fajri Syafii said that the Republic of Indonesia respects press freedom as a pillar of democracy, however, it is very disturbing if there is neglect of news that leads to opinion without being accompanied by facts.

"The Press Law strictly regulates that the press should not slander and must prioritize the presumption of innocence," said Fajri.

As evidence, Fajri submitted a copy of the report to the Press Council.

"So we report to the Press Council for alleged ethical violations, and will report to Polda Metro Jaya for alleged criminal violations," added Fajri.

Meanwhile, Deputy Chairman of the Press Council Hendry CH Bangun, accompanied by a team of analysts, promised to analyze the reported reports. The results of the study by the Press Council Analysis Team will be presented on Friday, January 24, presenting representatives of DPN Repdem and representatives from

"Next week at 09.00 we will convey it again, including we will summon media representatives who were complained of," said Hendry.

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