Stealed By Two Robbers, Mother Of Two Children's Palms Almost Cut Off To Protect Heads
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TANGERANG - Police arrested two perpetrators of burglary in the Teluk Naga area, Tangerang Regency. Sadly, the two perpetrators are father and son, E (46) and MM (21). While the victim is a woman named Galuh Julitri.

The Tangerang Metro Police Chief, Kombes Pol Zain Dwi Nugroho, said the burglary took place on Thursday, April 21, at 06.20 WIB. Meanwhile, the perpetrator was detained at his house in Lebak, Banten, Monday, May 16, at 02.00 WIB.

"(the perpetrators) father and son, they admit to committing acts of theft with violence (begal) together," said Zain Dwi Nugroho in his statement, Tuesday, May 17.

Zain said that the burglary began when the victim, Galuh , was carrying her two children aged 3 and 4 years. Galuh goes to her sister's house to leave the child.

However, while on his way to his brother's house, suddenly two perpetrators on a motorbike approached him and immediately hit and slashed Galuh with a machete.

"One of the perpetrators immediately hit the victim in the face, and slashed the victim with a long machete aimed at the victim's head and left hand," he said.

Zain still explained, in fact the two perpetrators had brought the victim's motorbike. However, Galuh, who was still conscious at that time, immediately shouted to ask the residents for help. Panicked, the two perpetrators chose to leave their motorbike and run away.

"Two witnesses, approximately 100 meters from the scene, heard the victim's screams and tried to provide help. The perpetrator fled without bringing the victim's motorbike, but the victim suffered stab wounds to the head and left hand," he said.

The police, who were aware of the incident, immediately conducted an investigation until it was discovered that the perpetrator was in Sukanegara Village, Lebak Regency, Banten.

The two perpetrators were finally caught, they were shot because they tried to escape during the arrest.

"When asked to show evidence of the theft, the two of them tried to run away, until decisive action was taken by members in the field," he explained.

Now the two suspects have been detained at the Teluknaga Police for their actions, the father and son were charged with Article 365 of the Criminal Code with a sentence of 12 years imprisonment.

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