Bareskrim Calls Recipients Of Illegal Investment Suspects Flow Of Funds Can Be Sentenced
Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police, Komjen Agus Andrianto (Photo: Rizky AP/VOI)

JAKARTA - The National Police's Criminal Investigation Unit said that those who had received funds from suspects in illegal investment cases but did not report them could also be subject to criminal charges.

This is in response to PPATK's statement that all parties who trade in goods and services to perpetrators of illegal investment cases must be reporters.

"Yes, if he doesn't report it and it is indicated that his tracks play an active role, whether we like it or not, we will determine the person concerned as part of the perpetrators," said the Indonesian National Police's Chief Criminal Investigation Officer, Komjen Agus Ardianto, to reporters, Thursday, March 10.

However, he said, legal action is the last resort. This is because investigators will investigate their statements first.

"The bottom line is that it depends on the investigation process. Is there an element of intent or ignorance, so it is better for them to report it," said Agus.

"Whether the person concerned intentionally or not knows, if it's intentional, whether the person concerned wants to be a justice collaborator to develop from the actions of these perpetrators in developing their business," he continued.

Taking action was chosen as the last step, said Agus, because making someone a suspect is not the best way to solve problems in illegal investment cases.

"I think it's better than making more people suspect who certainly can't solve the problem," said Agus. PPATK said that those who traded goods and services to perpetrators of illegal investment cases must be reporters.

This means that parties who trade in goods or services must report the form of transactions involving actors or suspects in illegal investment cases.

"The parties who traded luxury goods were the reporting parties who had the obligation to report to PPATK," said Head of PPATK Ivan Yustiavadana.

This obligation must be carried out based on Law number 8 of 2010 concerning the Crime of Money Laundering (TPPU). Of course the goal is to trace and record the assets of the suspects.

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