A Number Of Special Guests Announced For Anggun And Friends Enchanting Concerts
Anggun C. Sasmi (Instagram @anggun_cipta)

JAKARTA - Anggun C. Sasmi concert promoters share the latest news about the event in Jakarta, July 28. The singer who lives in France will present a number of special guests for the show.

The concert, titled 'Enshrings Anggun and Friends', will be accompanied by Andi Rianto and Magenta Orchestra. Then the names of Indonesian musicians will certainly be present as collaborators.

The announcement was shared by Flashback Motion on July 2 yesterday. There will be a special appearance from Fabio Ayer, Isyana Sarasvati, Ian Antono and Achmad Albar as guest stars.

It is interesting to of course see the ranks of musicians chosen by Anggun to celebrate their concerts. The fact that they come from various generations in the music industry, is expected to give their own colors and excitement.

Fabio Asher and Isyana Sarasvati became two names popular among the younger generation through their musical works. Meanwhile, two God Bless, Ian and Achmad Albar personnel will certainly be warmly welcomed by those who enjoyed the golden age of the 80s to 90s.

The Enchanting Anggun and Friends Concert will be held at the Plennary Hall, Jakarta Convention Center. Tickets in several categories have been sold out, but several categories can still be obtained. Check the complete availability of tickets on this link.

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