Parcopresis: Anxious And Difficult To Bab In Public Toilets, What Causes It?
Illustration of public toilets (Unsplash/Possessed Photography)

JAKARTA – Parcopresis is a condition that refers to the difficulty or inability to defecate while around others or in public toilets. This condition is different from difficulty defecating.

Reported by Healthline, Friday, May 21, parcopresss is also different from obsessive compulsive disorder which is sometimes characterized by the urge to clean everything that he considers dirty and can disturb him.

Specific data until now can not be published because of its sensitive nature, including the data of a number of parcopressive sufferers. Defecation for the majority of people is a personal experience, so it will weigh strongly when using public toilets to 'defecate'.

It is not uncommon for people to choose to hold back until they get home rather than use a public toilet. Anxiety arises because of the presumption of surveillance in public places. Especially when gastrointestinal urges are uncomfortable.

Surveillance that triggers parcopressive or shy bowel include the after effects, sound, and smell when defecating. Fear of this scrutiny can affect health. That can certainly interfere with daily activities especially when having a routine in a public place.

Parcopression is caused by various social anxiety disorders. People experiencing these symptoms are also triggered by phobias but are not categorized as anxiety disorders in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

A 2016 study by Simon K. Knowles and Jason Skues showed that parcopression is recognized as a form of social phobia by the National Phobics Society.

Although the disorder is not yet known the exact cause, in 2011 found a fundamental and similar cause experienced by an anxiety disorder called shy bladder or paruesis. Paruesis is the fear of urinating in public toilets or there are people around.

Based on 2019 research, it is estimated that paruesis experienced 2.8 percent of the entire population and 16.4 percent experienced parcopression. Some people may experience both.

To overcome the anxiety of defecation in public toilets or parcopresss, bring a small bottle of air purifier when traveling in public places. Flush several times to break down the smell. To dampen the smell, coat the inside of the toilet seat with tissues.

Experts also recommend doing a short mindfulness exercise with meditation to relieve the symptoms of anxiety. If that doesn't work, talking to a therapist will help.

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