The Directorate General Of Hubdat Is Also Responsible For Transportation Safety In The Jatiluhur Reservoir
Jatiluhur Reservoir (Photo: Antara)

The Directorate General of Land Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) ensures the safety and security of river transportation, lakes and crossings in the Jatiluhur Reservoir tourist area, Purwakarta, West Java.

"The Directorate General of Land Transportation (Directorate General of Land Transportation) is also responsible for the safety aspect of transportation at the Jatiluhur Reservoir tourist attraction," said Director General of Land Transportation at the Ministry of Transportation Risyapudin Nursin quoting Antara.

Risyapudin said that his party had held a river, lake and crossing (TSDP) transportation safety campaign in the Jatiluhur Reservoir tourist area on Friday (21/6).

"We are doing this campaign in order to improve aspects of shipping safety and security in river transportation, lakes and crossings, especially in the Jatiluhur Reservoir," he said.

The campaign involved 150 participants who were actors in river and lake transportation services in the Jatiluhur Reservoir tourist area.

He explained, to realize shipping safety, especially in the Jatiluhur Reservoir, there are several things that are of concern, including the captain who must be in good health and certified.

Then the captain must also prioritize information from the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) regarding weather forecasts.

Furthermore, it is mandatory to pay attention to the condition of the ship so that when sailing it meets safety standards and it is obligatory to provide good facilities for passengers. Also, the number of passengers on board must be adjusted to the number of life jackets.

"Security is our shared responsibility. In accordance with the mandate of the Basic Law, the government must be present to provide protection and safety to all levels of society," said Risyapudin.

The Directorate General of Hubdat also provided technical assistance for safety equipment in the form of safety buoys to ship owners and provided the Lake River Pas to ship operators.

"The form of government is present in addition to providing socialization and education, namely through the provision of technical assistance for safety equipment as well as supervision and guidance," he added.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Sub-Directorate for River, Lake and Crossing Operations of the Directorate General of Land Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation Bintang Novi stated that his party hopes that campaign and assistance activities, especially in the Jatiluhur Reservoir, can jointly better understand the aspects of shipping safety and be able to implement it in the field.

"We have provided material regarding SDP Transportation which is safe and measures and signs of Nationality for River and Lake Ships so that it is hoped that it can improve understanding and implementation," he said.

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