Get Ready! Hutama Karya Will Win Tariff On Several Trans Sumatra Toll Roads, Here's A List
Illustration. (Photo: Doc. Antara)

JAKARTA - PT Hutama Karya (Persero) will adjust to toll rates on several toll roads operated by the company. Currently, this tariff increase step is still in coordination with the Toll Road Management Agency (BPJT).

The toll roads that are planned to experience tariff adjustments are the Pekanbaru-Pangkal Toll Road, Taba Penjung-Bengkulu Toll Road, Palembang-Indralaya Toll Road and Aceh-Sigli Toll Road.

Hutama Karya President Director Budi Harto said the tariff increase on the toll road section of the Trans Sumatra Toll Road was still in the coordination stage with BPJT.

"There are already several new (toll roads). It is already in the discussion stage with BPJT," he said at the Ministry of SOEs, quoted Friday, September 30.

Regarding when the tariff adjustment was made, Budi admitted that he was reluctant to go into details. However, Budi ensured that adjustments would be made based on the time set.

From the release of this toll road, HK is eyeing fresh funds of Rp34 trillion.

The three toll roads referred to by the Bakauheni-Terbanggi Besar Toll Road, the Terbanggi Besar-Pematang Panggang-Kayu Agung Toll Road, and the Medan-Binjai Toll Road.

Hutama Karya's President Director, Budi Hartio, said that his party had signed the Head of Agreement (HoA) with INA to release the three toll roads.

"So HK has HoA with INA for asset recycle three toll roads. Everything is 350 km, an estimate of Rp34 trillion," he said at the 'Ngopi Bareng BUMN' event, Thursday, September 29.

Furthermore, Budi said, it is targeted that by the end of the year HK and INA can complete the divestment process for the three toll roads. Budi said the company's revenue from the assets would be used to reduce debt from the previous toll road construction.

"The income from the asset recycle is to reduce Hutama Karya's loan to finance the sections that have been built," he explained.

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