Online Taxi Car Robbery Gang In Bandarlampung Arrested By Police
Bandarlampung Police have arrested three perpetrators of the attempted robbery of four-wheeled vehicles (ANTARA/Dian Hadiyatna)

Bandarlampung City Police (Polresta) won the perpetrators who robbed an online taxi car that occurred on Jalan ZA Pagar Alam.

"Three perpetrators who carried out the robbery of online taxi drivers some time ago, we managed to arrest them on Sunday (2/2)," said Bandar Lampung Police Chief Kombes Alfret Jacob Tilukay as reported by ANTARA, Monday, February 3.

The police are currently still hunting for another perpetrator who is on the wanted list for the attempted robbery.

"The three perpetrators we managed to arrest had the initials EA (24), JK (35), F (18). They are residents of Kikim Selatan, Lahat, South Sumatra. Meanwhile, the DPO initials AJ (35)," he said.

He explained that the chronology of the incident began with one of the perpetrators who ordered online taxis via the application with the Panjang Bandarlampung route to Natar, South Lampung Regency.

"Then after the driver arrived and picked up the perpetrators in Panjang on the way to the place on Jalan ZA Pagar Alam, the gang started the action by smothering and pointing a sharp weapon at the victim (the driver)," he said.

The victim, who was desperate to think quickly to try to defend his car by hitting a four-wheeled vehicle parked on the side of the road.

"Based on the results of the investigation, the motive for the perpetrators to commit burglary against the victim was because they wanted to get the victim's car. They (the perpetrators) also admitted that this was the first time this burglary was carried out, but indeed there were two recidivist cases of beatings and thefts," he said.

The police chief said that during the arrest of the perpetrators, the police managed to secure evidence in the form of machetes, handleless knives and a cell phone.

"Against the perpetrators, they will be charged with Article 365 paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code which carries a penalty of 12 years in prison," he said.

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