Nunukan DPRD Member Expels BPTD Staff From The Ministry Of Transportation Of Kaltara During RDP Accident Speedboat Cinta Laut

NUNUKAN - Secretary of Commission I of the Regional House of Representatives of Nunukan Regency, North Kalimantan (Kaltara), Muhammad Mansur, expelled the three-staf of the Land Transportation Management Center (BPTD) of the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) Representative of Kaltara during a Hearing Meeting (RDP) at the Nunukan DPRD building.

Mansyur assessed that the presence of the Ministry of Transportation's BPTD staff when the RDP which was held with a number of these agencies could not make a decision when discussing the cause of the Cinta Putri speedboat accident which claimed lives in Tinabasan waters on January 29, 2025.

"The BPTD staff for the Kaltara Representative cannot make decisions and solutions to prevent this sea accident from happening again. It's useless to be here, please get out of this room," said Mansyur, Monday, February 3.

This expulsion began when the representative of the BPTD Ministry of Transportation in Kaltara, Rizki said the shipping safety authority since 2021 had been handed over from the Director General of Sea Transportation KSOP to the Director General of Land Transportation or BPTD whose working areas were only shipping for river transportation, lakes and crossings.

"Our authority in BPTD only serves the transportation of our work scope, namely river transportation and lakes," said Rizki.

"Based on the geographical location of the Nunukan Regency area, many rivers intersect with the sea. We only have the authority in the river, not for the sea or those that intersect with the sea," he continued.

This answer made the leadership and members of the Nunukan DPRD disappointed and it seemed that the agency had let go of the sea accident which resulted in 7 deaths.

"So which agencies have the authority to this shipping safety," said Mansyur.

Previously, the Head of the Nunukan Transportation Agency, Muhammad Amin, revealed that his party only managed 26 seaports or traditional areas in the Nunukan area. Then, related to the safety of shipping, the authority lies with the central government or the Ministry through KSOP and BPTD.

"For Nunukan Island, what we manage is only the Bolong River, Inhutani, Yamaker and Sei Jepun pier. This is in accordance with the authority of the Nunukan Transportation Agency in Law number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Governments," he said.

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