The Most Challenging Flight Route In Indonesia, Here's The List
The most challenging flight route in Indonesia. (Pexels/Pixabay)

YOGYAKARTA - Currently, aircraft is the favorite public transportation for many people in the world. Based on studies that have been conducted, aircraft are also still listed as the safest transportation. In addition, aircraft are also the main choice of public transportation between cities or islands in Indonesia, seeing Indonesia as an archipelagic country. However, there is the most challenging flight route in Indonesia because of several certain factors.

Along with the times, aviation technology helps pilots and cabin crew to more easily operate aircraft. However, there are various obstacles that must be faced when in-flight, especially by pilots who control the aircraft.

Reporting from Antara, it was stated that the challenging flight routes in Indonesia included the Ternate, North Maluku, and Labuan Bajo areas, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT).

This is because the runway usage factor has wind llimitation that must be considered, weather and turbulence so that it becomes one of the challenges for pilots when flying planes to these areas. Although turbulence is common, there have been a number of incidents of severe turbulence that cause casualties.

Turbulence is an instability in the atmosphere caused by sudden changes in the airflow that surrounds the plane. When turbulence occurs, the lift on the plane tends to decrease rapidly. This can cause the plane to suddenly crash.

Turbulence can be measured based on its intensity and divided into four categories, namely:

Light and moderate turbulence is generally harmless and can still be controlled by pilots. However, great turbulence or great can endanger flights.

Quoted from the Independent website, a Turbli turbulence prediction site conducted an analysis of about 10,000 aircraft routes connecting 550 of the world's largest airports. The route has been sorted based on an 'air vortex dissipation rate' that measures how intense turbulence is on a flight path.

Below is a list of flight routes with the worst turbulence in the world in 2024 according to the Turbli site:

Pilots, of course, have been equipped with technical and pragmatic sciences through flight practices so that even though there are challenging routes on flights in Indonesia, the pilots will continue to work professionally and with maximum service standards.

That's the review of the most challenging flight routes in Indonesia that have been recorded. Hopefully useful. Visit to get other interesting information.

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