It Turns Out That This Is The Reason Why The Plane Can't Fly Over The Kaaba
Why an airplane should not fly over the ka bah (freepic)

YOGYAKARTA - For those of you who have flown above the sky of Saudi Arabia, you will definitely wonder: "why can't the plane fly above you?"

This article aims to explain the reasons behind the ban on flying over the Kaaba as a holy site of Islamic religion. In addition, other factors will also be reviewed taking into account religious, safety, and logistics factors.

Based on chain messages on social media, issues and claims have developed that aircraft or birds cannot fly over the Kaaba in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, because it is the center of Earth's gravity.

In the upload, the user stated that because the Kaaba is located in a place without inclination or deviation and is the center of Earth's gravity, it attracts magnetic content.

"It is impossible to fly on it, both from birds and planes. And this is why Saudi Arabia does not have an airport in the city of Mecca," the post wrote.

The Kaaba itself is a cube-shaped building in the middle of the most important mosque of Muslims, the al-Haram Mosque in Mecca. The post also talks about the physical characteristics of the holy Kaaba, including that it is the "first point to receive the rising sun" and "center of cosmic radiation."

Interestingly, these claims have been circulating since 2019 and are believed to be scientific facts on various social media platforms.

In fact, reported by the Logically Facts page, these claims are baseless. Earth's gravity and its magnetic field are two completely different phenomena.

Space Place belonging to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) explains that gravity is a attractive force formed by each other, just as Earth draws everything above it, flying on it, or swimming in its orbit.

Meanwhile, the magnetic field is a "medium" that surrounds magnetic objects.

According to the US Geological Survey (USGS), the outer core of the Earth is experiencing turbulent convection due to radioactive heating and chemical differentiation. This creates a process like a natural electric generator, where convective kinetic energy is converted into electric and magnetic energy.

Then there is an iron movement that conducts electricity in front of the Earth's magnetic field inducing electric currents. The electric current then produces its own magnetic field.

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According to the ArduPilot website, magnetic fields can indeed interfere with the compass and Global Pession System (GPS), but there is no mention of magnetic disturbances that prevent airplanes.

In addition, many things are known to distort the earth's magnetic field in an area while flying, such as steel or reinforced concrete buildings, bridges and highways, iron pipes, high voltage electricity lines, heavy equipment, and trucks and cars.

The Saudi Anti-Rumor Authority published a video clip on January 18, 2017, in which unnamed Saudi pilots and navigation officials explained that the ban on flying over Mecca was imposed out of respect for holy places and did not interfere with pilgrims.

With the video, it can end some disputes and confirm that this ban excludes some exceptions for helicopters that sometimes float over the city.

Interestingly, the video also refers to a rescue helicopter, which arrived in 2006 after the collapse of a house of pilgrims.

Please note, AFP published a report on September 13, 2016, featuring helicopter images "flying over Mina near the holy city of Mecca." Saudi-based international news channel Al Arabiya also published images showing helicopters circling in Mecca to monitor "the safety of pilgrims."

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