Often Used As A PIN Code, Avoid These 4 Digits!
Popular four-digit PIN (photo: dock.unsplash)

JAKARTA A four-digit PIN code is still needed today for many things, such as locking the phone screen or even locking an app. Although biometrics becomes more popular, a PIN code is still needed.

When asked to set up a PIN code, one in ten people turned out to choose the same number. According to Australia's media research, ABC News, against 29 million API passwords on the Have I Been Pwned site, the most popular four-digit PIN is 1234.

There is nine percent of the 29 million API passwords that use the PIN code. The second most popular four-digit PIN is 000, followed by code 111. Code 1212 and 4444 also occupy the top ten positions.

For codes that make up the year, the most frequently used numbers are 1986 and 2004. The combination of numbers taken from date and month, such as 2512 and 2902, also tends to be used so that a PIN code like this should be avoided.

Another popular code that needs to be avoided is 4321. The use of the PIN code is not surprising because it is only the opposite of the 1234 series. Some people seem to want to look smarter by fighting the first four numbers.

Unfortunately, the use of 1342 is nothing new. This combination of numbers is also often used, even a lot of them. This code occupies the top four positions. If used, hackers might be able to guess your PIN easily.

Avoid PIN Code With Number 1234

The use of this number is very classic and easy to guess, but strangely it is widely used as a PIN. To prove how market this PIN code is, it is also ranked fourth in the list of general passwords compiled by NordPass VPN.

If the number series increases, for example, by six digits, the number used will also increase to 123456. Seeing these findings, you must avoid the combination of classical, ordered numbers, and the numbers mentioned above.

By avoiding the combination of these numbers as a device PIN code, application, ATM, and others, you can strengthen its security. The reason is, the PIN code is the last digital defense line. If revealed, your personal or money data can be misused.

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