Apple Music Replay 2025 Playlist Now Available
The latest Replay playlist is now available on Apple Music. (photo: x t @MidAtlConsult)

JAKARTA - The latest playlist Replay is now available on Apple Music. Users are starting to realize that the 2025 Replay playlist has appeared in their library today.

Apple Music Replay continuously collects the top songs, albums and artists you listen to. This playlist is updated throughout the year, which will eventually be a complete year-end recapitulation feature in December.

This means Replay offers added value to Apple Music subscribers, allowing them to always monitor their listening trend so far this year. So, currently the Replay playlist 25 reflects the trend of listening for January 2025. This playlist will be automatically updated as the year goes on.

You can find your new Replay playlist by scrolling down to the bottom of the Home tab in the Apple Music app. Then, you can tap on your playlist card and add it to your Library to make it easier to find at other times. This playlist will be automatically updated according to your latest listening habits.

You can also go to the Apple Music Replay microsite to see more statistics about what you're listening to in January. This includes total minutes, top artists, albums, and personal achievements in listening. Data for February and the following months will appear over time.

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