The general chairman of PBSI, Fadil Imran, admitted that the federation needs to be addressed (doc. PBSI).

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian Badminton Association (PBSI) for the 2024-2028 term of service, Fadil Imran, acknowledged that the federation he currently leads is not doing well.

This situation occurred because badminton as one of the mainstay sports actually failed to contribute a gold medal at the 2024 Paris Olympics in July-August.

"Not getting a gold medal at the Olympics in your opinion? That's not good. How come I have to say it's good. I'm honest, we have to improve ourselves," said Fadil.

At this time Fadil is preparing a new composition of PBSI's management with a big target for the next Olympics which will take place in Los Angeles in 2028.

Untuk mengisi pos-pos terbaik di kepengurusan Fadil, PBSI pun menggandeng konsultan Dayalima guna menalysis dan melakukan penyusunan struktur organisasi yang matang.

"On the 30th (November 2024) we (the new PBSI manager) will be sworn in. So, I hope that a week before it is all final. This is for the core management," said Fadil.

During the preparation period, PBSI and Dayima conducted organizational studies. This includes benchmarking with federations in other countries, interviews, and assessments to find qualified management candidates, officials, coaches, and support teams.

One of Daya Lima's important recommendations is the existence of functions that take care of the lives of athletes after the active player's career and the ethics committee.

The results of this process will be a reference for the preparation of the PBSI organization for the period 2024-2028. After that, the management arrangement will be submitted to the Ministry of Youth and Sports (Kemenpora) to be ratified.

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