ChatGPT Feature Now Available In All Peugeot Car Lines
The ChatGPT system comes to the Peugeot vehicle. (Doc. Stellantis)

JAKARTA - The role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly crucial in the automotive industry, increasing the competitiveness of vehicles by integrating this technology into their latest cars. One of the major manufacturers who are keen to use AI is Stellantis, which has applied the ChatGPT system as a feature in a number of its vehicle brands and most recently Peugeot.

Previously, it should be noted that Stellantis' DS Automobiles was the first European manufacturer to integrate the ChatGPT artificial intelligence system into its car.

Meanwhile, for Peugeot according to Stellantis' official website, quoted Wednesday, July 10, the ChatGPT system will be integrated into i-Cockpit. By saying "OK Peugeot", users can ask questions and get answers and other innovative features from ChatGPT. This technology was tested earlier this year by involving more than 10,000 subscribers, and is now a standard feature on various Peugeot models.

ChatGPT is now available in some of Peugeot's newest models, including 208, 2008, 308 SW, 408, 508, 508 SW, Rifter, Traveller, Partner, and Expert. By the end of this year, the system will also be available on models 3008 and 5008. Vehicle owners can make over-the-air updates to get this technology without the need to visit dealers.

Peugeot will launch this technology in the European market, including Germany, Austria, Spain, France, Italy, Portugal and the UK. Then, the system will expand to Denmark, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Belgium, the Netherlands, Poland, Luxembourg, and the Czech Republic by the end of July.

Recently similar systems have also been provided by the Volkswagen Group and are present on all VW model lines, including the new ID, Golf, Tiguan, and Passat. ChatGPT can be integrated through Volkswagen's IDA voice system, offering options that go far beyond previous voice control. Users can now interact with cars more easily.

In addition, AI has also been present at the Audi brand Volkswagen Group vehicle since 2021, implemented through Microsoft Azure OpenAI Service on the infotainment system. Audi drivers can use enhanced voice control to operate infotainment systems, navigation, air conditioning, and even to ask questions. The ability to ask for information using natural language makes driving safer, as drivers do not need to take their eyes off the road.

Audi has also improved voice assistants on models with the latest E3 1.2 architecture, as in Q6 e-trons. Users only need to say "Hi Audi" or use push-to-talk buttons at steering wheel to ask questions.

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