Menpan-RB Waiting For Police Mechanism To Accommodate Ex-KPK Employees
Menpan RB Tjahjo Kumolo/PHOTO VIA BETWEEN

MAKASSAR - Minister for Administrative Reform Bureaucratic Reform (Menpan-RB) Tjahjo Kumolo is still waiting for mechanisms and technical instructions from the National Police Headquarters for efforts to accommodate 57 former KPK employees.

"In the first stage, we are waiting for the dialogue process, what is the recruitment process going to be, well it is being carried out by the National Police Headquarters with 56 friends who have been honorably dismissed from the KPK. Later the ending will come to me," said Tjahjo in Makassar, Sulawesi. South quoted by Antara, Tuesday, October 5.

Tjahjo said that as an assistant to President Joko Widodo, he had received a letter from the president that was given to the National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo.

In principle, the proposal has been approved to carry out the recruitment of former KPK employees who fail to become State Civil Apparatus (ASN) because they are considered not to have passed the National Insight Test or TWK.

"TWK is a legal process, it cannot be sued, our country is a state of law, there has been a decision from the Supreme Court (MA). Now they are outside the KPK," said Tjahjo.

According to him, the National Police Chief certainly has the initiative to recruit him, and has even asked the president for permission, and the president has given the permit. His job as Menpan-RB is to secure the presidential permit as the basis for determining the next steps.

"They meet who, who wants who and who doesn't. Then they get what position, where it is functionalized, there are rules, there is a system or what, we are still waiting," he said.

"Similarly, the dialogue process, the recruitment process of the National Police Chief with his former KPK friends who were respectfully dismissed earlier. Later the final decision will be up to me. That's all. They are already free from the KPK," said Tjahjo.

Because, as KPK employees who appointed KPK leaders, so of course they were not ASN. Asked how long the dialogue process will end, it is not known for sure.

"Until when, well, we'll wait. Yesterday there was a representative dialogue, but I've been waiting," he said.

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