Anies's Subordinates Cannot Explain The Legal Umbrella For Ancol Reclamation
Meeting of the DKI Jakarta DPRD with the DKI Provincial Government and PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol regarding Ancol reclamation (Photo: Diah Ayu wardani / VOI)

JAKARTA - Commission B of the DKI Jakarta DPRD has summoned the Provincial Government (Pemprov) of DKI Jakarta and PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol to explain the legal umbrella for granting Ancol reclamation permits covering an area of 155 hectares.

The DKI Provincial Government, represented by DKI Economic Assistant Sri Suharti, has not been able to explain the legal basis for the permit issued by Governor Anies Baswedan. He admitted that he did not really understand the legal issues related to the Ancol reclamation permit.

"Because it is related to the problems that started this discussion not (concerning, red) in the economy, so I will coordinate with the team from the DKI Provincial Government regarding development," Suharti said in a meeting at the DPRD DKI Building, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, July 8.

Suharti asked the DPRD for time to collect data related to the granting of the permit. For now, he is asking for an explanation from the DKI Provincial Government in written form.

"Later we will make it in writing. Of course, we will involve Ancol in the discussion, including the chronology from the start," said Sri.

"So, so that later it becomes the basis and other things that are also more complete, so that all of us hold onto and input from the fathers and mothers (DPRD), we will answer in writing," he added.

Likewise, the President Director of PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol Tbk. (PJAA) Teuku Sahir Syahali also cannot explain the legal basis for the permit received.

"Later (legal basis, red) it will be reviewed later," said Sahir after a meeting with the DPRD.

There must be a regional regulation

DKI DPRD Commission B member Gilbert Simanjuntak said he did not reject or accept the Ancol reclamation, as long as it was all according to the rules. However, permits were issued before the perda was issued. In fact, the legal umbrella for issuing permits is perda.

Legal protection in the form of a regional regulation regarding detailed spatial planning (RDTR) and zoning is an absolute requirement in the Ancol reclamation permit as stipulated in the Governor's Decree 237/2020. However, at this time the perda has not been issued and is still under discussion planning this year.

"We are also part of the regional government that wants this regional government to be clean, not to have problems in the future. If you want to build, the foundation is the RDTR regional regulation and zoning that has been revoked by the governor," said Gilbert.

According to him, it is not appropriate for the DKI Provincial Government to issue a permit based on Law Number 29 of 2007 concerning DKI Pemprov as the Capital of the Republic of Indonesia, and Law Number 23 of 2004 concerning Regional Government, and Law Number 30 of 2014 concerning Government Administration. According to him, the law seems forced to become a legal basis for legalizing the Ancol reclamation permit.

"Anyway, first finish the first as a legal basis that we can uphold. Because, this is not a simple matter of wanting to build a tourist area that supports the economy in Jakarta," said Gilbert.

For information, the permit for the extension of the Ancol area was stipulated in the Decree of the Governor of DKI Jakarta Number 237 of 2020 on February 24, 2020. The details are the permit for the expansion of the recreation area covering an area of 35 hectares for Dunia Fantasi (Dufan) recreation and 120 hectares for land expansion in the East Ancol area.

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