Police Will Investigate Muhammad Kece's Motive For Uploading Blasphemy Content
Karo Penmas, Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Rusdi Hartono/DOK VOI

JAKARTA - The Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police stated that they do not yet know the exact motive behind Muhammad Kece's statement, which is strongly suspected of containing blasphemy. Muhammad Kece has been named a suspect.

"Later, the motive will be investigated again, the person concerned made a video content posted on Youtube. This will be investigated later by investigators", said Head of Public Information Bureau (Karo Penmas), Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Rusdi Hartono, to reporters, Wednesday, August 25.

Not only the motive, later in the examination, investigators will also explore other things. One of them is about the involvement of other parties in the creation of the content and statements.

"Investigators will find out whether he did it himself, or if there are parties who help him do it, the investigators will investigate later", said Rusdi.

On the other hand, at this time Muhammad Kece is still in Bali after being arrested. The plan is that he will be brought to the Criminal Investigation Department later this afternoon.

"If there are no obstacles this afternoon, they will arrive at the Criminal Investigation Department to account for their actions", said Rusdi.

For information, the suspect in the alleged blasphemy case, Muhammad Kece, was arrested on Tuesday, August 24, at around 19.30 p.m. local time.

Muhammad Kece was arrested in his hiding place in Banjar Untal-Untal, Dulang Village, North Kuta District, Badung Regency, Bali Province. He was alone in the hiding place.

The statement was considered blasphemy when Muhammad Kece uploaded a video on his YouTube account. Where he inserts the word 'Jesus' in the Muslim greeting sentence

"Assalamualaikum, warrahmatuyesus wabarakatu", said Muhammad Kece.

In addition, he also changed several other sentences. Thus, Muhammad Kece was criticized by various parties.

"Alhamdulillah, jesus hirabbilalamin, all praise is due to the presence of the Lord Jesus, the father in heaven who deserves to be praised and worshiped", said Muhammad Kece.

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