Chika Doesn't Like To Be Given Rp1,000, He Is Upset And Goes Raging Until He Is Taken To The Police
Chika, a transvestigant who went berserk because he was given Rp1,000/ Photo: ISt

JAKARTA - A man with a woman appearance or commonly called transvestites, was arrested by members of the Kembangan Police Buser for raging while busking, Tuesday, February 4.

Chika, her stage name, went berserk because she didn't accept it when she was given a thousand rupiahs while busking at a clinic in the Kembangan area, West Jakarta.

For fear of dangerous things, residents then reported the incident to the police. Meanwhile, when the police arrived, Chika was immediately arrested.

Based on information from local residents, Chika often sings in the Kembangan area with portable active speakers.

"He has been here many times and given Rp1,000, but he didn't accept it. In fact, he was angry," he said.

The man dressed as a woman also screamed to the point of causing a crowd of residents. Luckily, Chika was not attacked by the masses for her actions.

For further processing, Chika was taken to the Kembangan Police for further processing.

Kembangan Police Chief Kompol Moch Taufik Iksan confirmed that his party had secured the person concerned.

"We have secured the person concerned. He lives without staying and moves frequently," said Kompol Taufik when confirmed, Tuesday, February 4.

Chika lives in the Penjaringan area, North Jakarta. Based on the interim inspection, Chika works as a busker and often moves locations to earn a living.

"He sings on foot from 11 p.m. to 23.00 p.m. local time," he said.

Currently, investigators from the Kembangan Police are still conducting further investigations into the person concerned to find out the motive of the perpetrator's rampage.

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