Getting To Know The Gathering Tunnel For The Istiqlal Mosque Liaison And Cathedral Church
Silaturahmi Tunnel (PUPR Ministry)

The Gathering Tunnel is a symbol of tolerance in Indonesia that has religious diversity. This tunnel connects two large places of worship for Muslims and Catholics, namely the Istiqlal Mosque and the Cathedral Church.

Both the Istiqlal Mosque and the Cathedral Church are two well-known places of worship, and have iconic forms of buildings. These two places of worship also have a long history to their current existence. As an effort to realize the spirit of tolerance, the Silaturahmi Tunnel was built which is connected in these two places.

The Silaturahmi Tunnel will be completed by the government through the Ministry of PUPR in 2021. Let's get to know the Silaturahmi Tunnel further, how it was built and its destination.

The Gathering Tunnel is a project initiated during the administration of President Joko Widodo as part of the renovation of the Istiqlal Mosque which began in 2019. The construction of this tunnel has a noble purpose, which is a strong symbol of brotherhood and tolerance between religious believers in Indonesia.

The Istiqlal Mosque itself is the largest mosque in Southeast Asia, while the Cathedral Church is one of the oldest churches in Jakarta, with a long history since the Dutch colonial era.

The physical closeness of these two places of worship has always been a symbol of tolerance in Indonesia, especially Muslims and Catholics. With the Gathering Tunnel, the closeness does not only look real in physical and symbolic form, but also through activities there.

The tunnel, which has a length of about 28 meters, was completed in 2021. Officially, this tunnel was opened to the public in February 2021 by President Joko Widodo. The President referred to it as a "twining friendship" that not only connects two physical buildings, but also connects the heart and mind.

This tunnel has a very deep meaning, especially in the context of religious harmony in Indonesia. Its construction is not only to facilitate access between the Istiqlal Mosque and the Cathedral Church, but also as a real symbol of the spirit of unity and tolerance between religious believers.

In everyday life, this tunnel is a path that can be used by Muslims who worship at the Istiqlal Mosque and Catholics who worship at the Cathedral Church to visit each other without having to leave the highway.

In addition, this tunnel also reminds the Indonesian people that different religions can coexist peacefully and respect each other. The Gathering Tunnel is proof that religious differences should not be a barrier to building strong brotherhood.

Quoting from the Instagram account of the Ministry of PUPR @kemenpupr, here are 4 facts from the Gathering Tunnel that you need to know:

That's a review of getting to know the Gathering Tunnel that connects the Istiqlal Mosque and the Cathedral Church in Jakarta. This tunnel is not only a physical link, but also a symbol of tolerance and religious harmony. Also read Pope Francis interpreting Bhineka Tunggal Ika.

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