Bawaslu Pasaman Subbar Alami Leaks Data Election 2024, DKPP Duga Masih Dikuasi Pihak Luar
DKPP held a trial to examine alleged violations of the Election Implementation Code of Ethics (KEPP) case Number 114-PKE-DKPP/VI/2024 in Padang, West Sumatra, today. BETWEEN

JAKARTA - The Election Organizers Honorary Council (DKPP) strongly suspects that a number of electoral data managed by the Bawaslu of Pasaman Regency in West Sumatra (West Sumatra) is still controlled or stored by outsiders.

This was said by the Chairman of the DKPP Heddy Lugito in response to the data leak due to the negligence of Bawaslu officers in Pasaman Regency.

"I am very sure, my guess is that there is still data stored on the laptop," said DKPP Chairman Heddy Lugito at the examination hearing for alleged violations of the Election Implementation Code of Ethics (KEPP) case Number 114-PKE-DKPP/VI/2024 in Padang, Friday.

This was conveyed by the Chairman of the DKPP regarding the alleged negligence committed by former Bawaslu Chairman Pasaman Lumban Tori when accessing copy C documentation, C documentation results, and surveillance form A sent by Panwaslu, South Rao District through the google drive application.

The case began when former Chairman of Bawaslu Pasaman Lumban Tori received a documentation shipment from Panwascam, South Rao District and opened it on his friend's laptop without any restrictions on google drives access.

However, about two hours later or after Bawaslu limited access to google drives containing electoral documents, many parties asked for access via electronic mail or email. When traced, Bawaslu discovered that there were political parties to legislative candidates who tried to ask for access.

During the trial, the chairman of the DKPP dug further whether Lumban Tori asked and confirmed that the laptop owner did not provide a google drive link to other parties because the data was limited.

"It is possible that this laptop owner could share election data with anyone," said Heddy Lugito.

Meanwhile, former Chairman of Bawaslu Pasaman Lumban Tori said after receiving a notification that the electoral data stored on the google drive could not be accessed, his party immediately took the laptop to the Pasaman Bawaslu office to limit access.

"After limited access, it is known who asked for access to get electoral data," said Lumban.

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