Deputy Chairman Of The Constitutional Court Saldi Isra Asks Plaintiffs For Regional Head Elections To Accept Decisions Sincerely
MK/DOK PHOTO Building: Diah Ayu-VOI

JAKARTA - Deputy Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court, Saldi Isra, conveyed a message to the parties in dispute over the 2024 Pilkada before the decision on whether or not a case was terminated or not, namely that the disputed parties could accept the Court's decision sincerely, regardless of the results.

"Hopefully this conducive atmosphere will run until the end, whatever the results are. So, if we leave it to the Constitutional Court, we have to accept the results sincerely," said Saldi Isra as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, January 23.

Saldi also asked the parties to maintain the conduciveness of the trial until the end.

According to Saldi, both parties whose cases are declared further or not, both get lessons from the trial process.

"If someone is lucky now, thank God; who is not lucky, thank God too, there is a time to seize new luck in the future," he said.

The Deputy Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court also reminded that regional head elections are a routine contestation every five years.

Therefore, Saldi isra conveyed a message of optimism to the disputed parties.

"This is a routine agenda, yes, circulation once every five years; which fails now, it will be repeated later. So, there is always hope. There has never been a closed hope at all," said Saldi.

Based on the Constitutional Court Regulation Number 14 of 2024, the trial for reading the verdict of the death or absence of a case or also known as the dismissal decision of the 2024 Pilkada dispute is scheduled for 11 February 13, 2025.

For cases that proceed to the evidentiary trial stage, they can present witnesses and experts before the trial. The number of witnesses and/or experts presented is limited to a maximum of six people for cases of dispute over governors and four people for cases of dispute over regents/mayors.

Saldi explained that the composition of witnesses or experts to be presented depends on the needs of each party as long as it does not exceed the maximum limit.

"So, all witnesses may, all experts may. It can be half-paralyzed. Whatever, depending on the needs of each application," he said.

Para pihak wajib menyerahkan data identitas, CV, serta keterangan dari setiap saksi atau ahli yang dihadirkan. Sementara itu, khusus untuk ahli wajib menyertakan izin dari atas yang bersangkutan.

"It must be handed over to the clerk no later than one working day before the evidentiary trial," said Saldi.

The trial of the proof is scheduled for February 14, 2025. In the trial, the panel of judges at the Constitutional Court will hear the testimony of witnesses and experts as well as examine and ratify additional evidence.

After that, on March 6, 2025, the panel will hold a panel of judges' deliberation (RPH) to discuss the results of the trial of evidence and draw up a decision. The trial for expressing the final decision of the 2024 Pilkada dispute is scheduled for March 7, 2025.

It is known, the total cases of regional election disputes or also known as disputes over the results of general elections for governors, regents, and mayors (PHP Kada) for 2024 reached 310 cases. This number consists of 23 cases of governors, 238 cases of regents, and 49 cases of mayors.

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