The HKI Juanda Depok Church, Which Is Threatened With 'Hil' Due To The Development Of The UIII Complex
Supian Suri Secretary And Depok City DPRD Member From PDI Perjuangan, Fransiskus Samosir

JAKARTA - The Islamic International University of Indonesia (UIII) is predicted to be an international-scale university for studies and research on Islamic civilization in Indonesia. The UIII complex was built on an area of 142.5 ha in Depok City.

The Indonesian International Islamic University (UIII) has started its first lecture on September 27, 2021. This campus was established based on Presidential Regulation Number 57 of 2016 which was signed by President Joko Widodo on June 29, 2016 with the status of a State University of the Legal Entity (PTN BH).

However, in the midst of this big ambition, there is anxiety that more than 150 church congregants worship in HKI Juanda Depok. The church, which has occupied the land since nine years ago, is threatened with being 'lost'.

HKI Juanda is 1 in more than 900 churches throughout the archipelago under the auspices of Huria Kristen Indonesia (HKI) which is headquartered in Pematang Siantar, North Sumatra.

This anxiety was revealed when HKI Juanda celebrated 97 years of age in HKI, last Sunday, May 5. At that time, the Secretary of the Depok City Government, Supian Suri, came to fulfill the invitation to the celebration to stay in touch with church congregants.

"This church stands on the ground, sir, a bit on the brink. Besides that, there is UIII, but we aspire to stay here even though the power is not there. But with the prayers of all friends including Mr. supian, it can give hope," said one of the speakers of HKI Juanda, St Thoman Hutasoit.

Supian Suri explained that the construction of UIII was directly under the coordination of the central government, in this case the Ministry of Religion. The Depok City Government (Pemkot) will try to help communicate the problem.

"We'll see several opportunities, hopefully, not all of them will become part of it (UIII) and we can take advantage of some of them for needs from friends of the HKI Juanda congregation," said Supian.

"The municipal government will do everything possible for everyone," he said, greeted by applause from the HKI Juanda congregation.

Supian explained that Depok City belongs to a variety of ethnic, religious and racial backgrounds. The togetherness that has occurred in Depok, will be a good motivation so that the city can move forward.

"Hopefully the mango can become a gepok banana. We are all proud to be Depok people," said Supian.

A member of the Depok DPRD from the PDI-P, Fransiskus Samosir, also entrusted his hopes to the Depok City Government, through the Regional Secretary Supian Suri, so that he could really pay more attention to the fate of HKI Juanda.

"I want Pak Sofyan Suri to be able to help us here facilitate to the center, yes. I am sure that if the Depok government has a heart, I am sure that the central government will also hear. At a minimum, there is a place in the corners there, the important thing is to be able to worship," said Frans Samosir.

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