COVID-19 PPE Corruption Case, Former Head Of The Ministry Of Health Crisis Center Charged With State Loss Of IDR 319 Billion
The trial of reading the indictment related to the alleged corruption case in the procurement of COVID-19 personal protective equipment (PPE) at the Ministry of Health in 2020 at the Jakarta Corruption Court, Tuesday (4/2/2025). ANTARA/Agatha Olivia Victoria.

JAKARTA - Former Head of the Health Crisis Center of the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) Budi Badya was charged with causing state losses of Rp319.69 billion in connection with the alleged corruption case in the procurement of COVID-19 personal protective equipment (PPE) at the Ministry of Health in 2020.

The Public Prosecutor (JPU) of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Sandy Septi Murhanta Hidayat revealed the alleged state loss based on the audit report of the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP).

"The state suffered a loss because the defendant had enriched other people or corporations," said the Public Prosecutor in a trial reading the indictment at the Jakarta Corruption Court (Tipikor), Tuesday, February 4.

Apart from Budi, there were also two other defendants who were tried at the same time because they were suspected of being involved in corruption in the same case, namely the President Director of PT Energi Kita Indonesia (EKI) Satrio Wibowo and the President Director of PT Permana Putra Mandiri (PPM) Ahmad Taufik.

The Public Prosecutor stated that the three were charged with participating in negotiating the price of PPE totaling 170 thousand pairs without using an order letter, negotiating prices and signing PPE orders of five million pairs, and receiving money loans from BNPB to PT PPM and PT EKI amounting to Rp10 billion to pay 170 thousand pairs of PPE without any order letter and payment support documents.

Then, the three defendants were also suspected of participating in receiving payments to 1.01 million pairs of BOHO brand PPE worth Rp. 711.28 billion for PT PPM and PT EKI, even though PT EKI did not have qualifications as providers of similar goods/services in government agencies and did not have a license for distribution of medical devices (IPAK).

PT EKI and PT PPM are also suspected of not preparing and submitting proof of supporting price reasonableness to PPK so that it violates the principle of procurement of government goods/services in handling emergencies, namely effective, transparent, and accountable.

Thus, the Public Prosecutor assessed that the actions of the three defendants were regulated and threatened with crime in Article 2 Paragraph (1) or Article 3 in conjunction with Article 18 of Law (UU) Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption as amended by Law Number 20 of 2001 Jo. Article 55 Paragraph (1) 1st of the Criminal Code.

State losses occurred as a result of the actions of the defendants which enriched Satrio by Rp59.98 billion, Ahmad Rp224.19 billion, PT Yoon Shin Jaya Rp25.25 billion, and PT GA Indonesia Rp14.62 billion.

The prosecutor explained that the case began when the Head of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) for the 2019-2021 period Doni Monardo issued Decree Number 9.A of 2020 concerning the Determination of the Status of Certain Emergency Disaster Diseases Due to Corona Virus in Indonesia.

The decision stipulates a Certain State of Emergency for Corona Virus Outbreaks from January 28, 2020 to February 28, 2020 and charges all costs incurred as a result of the status determination in the Ready-to-Use Fund (DSP) in BNPB.

Then on February 21, 2020, the Minister of Health for the 2019-2020 period Terawan Agus Putranto sent a letter to Doni asking for support in the form of financing, equipment, and logistics, which were used in efforts to prevent and overcome the spread of COVID-19 in Indonesia.

Following up on the application in the letter, the BNPB Main Secretary for the 2019-2020 period Harmensyah suggested that DSP funding be handed over to the Commitment Making Officer (PPK) appointed by the Ministry of Health and approved by Doni.

After that, Eri Gunawan was appointed as PPK at the Health Crisis Center and Firda Hendra Agustino as Treasurer for the Expenditure of the Health Crisis Center on March 10, 2020.

However, Eri resigned as PPK Center for Health Crisis, so that on March 27, 2020 Budi was appointed PPK and Point Nurhaerty as Treasurers for the Expenditure of Assistants for the Health Crisis Center.

After that, in a meeting at the Graha BNPB Building, a meeting was held in which Harmensyah said that PT EKI was asking for a payment of 170 thousand PPE pairs that had been distributed to BNPB at a price of 50 US dollars per pair.

Then on the proposal from the meeting participants, a re-negotiation was carried out between Satrio and Harmensyah, which finally agreed on the price of PPE of 48.4 US dollars per pair, which is PPE which consists of one unit-protective cover all and one unit-hoes cover (without safety glasses).

"Harmensyah also ordered that the PPD that had been sent by PT PPM must be paid immediately," he said.

Therefore, said the Public Prosecutor, Budi followed up on Harmensyah's order by issuing Order Number: KK.02.01/1/460/2020 dated March 28, 2020, which was signed by Budi together with Ahmad and Satrio.

In fact, at that time Satrio had not yet served as President Director of PT EKI and PT EKI did not have the qualifications to provide goods or similar services in government agencies and did not have IPAK and had not been confirmed as Taxable Entrepreneurs (PKP).

To legalize PT EKI as if it were the only party entitled to distribute the BOHOmaka PPE on April 1, 2020, Satrio ordered PT EKI's attorney, Isdar Yusuf to draft the contract.

The draft states that PT EKI is the official seller of PPE brand BOHO, which was made with a delayed date between PT EKI and PT PPM and PT Yoon Shin Jaya.

The draft contract was handed over by Isdar to Satrio for signature by Satrio, Ahmad, and Shin.

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