Polemics Are Prohibited Via Toll Roads If You Don't Choose Jokowi In Today's History, February 4, 2019
Hendrar Prihadi, who served as Mayor of Semarang from the 2013-2022 era. (Bambang Eros VOI)

JAKARTA - Today, six years ago, February 4, 2019, the statement of the Mayor of Semarang, Hendrar Prihadi regarding those who did not choose Joko Widodo in the 2019 presidential election were prohibited from going through toll roads with polemics. This statement provoked criticism from everywhere. Hadi himself called his words just a joke.

Previously, the political contestation of the 2019 Presidential Election was heavily injured by state officials who violated the rules. Those who in fact have to be neutral instead show their attitude to defend certain presidential candidates. This condition raises criticism.

State officials and ASN must not show their side to one candidate in the 2019 presidential election contestation. The narrative has been stated in the Election Law (UU) Number 7 of 2017. They must be neutral.

In fact, the order of the law was underestimated by several parties. Many of them as state officials carry out a covert campaign. On average, they express their support for the incumbent Jokowi who fills number one.

The official likes to prohibit his staff -- ASN to vote for presidential candidate number two Prabowo Subianto. This condition is like harming the democratic climate in Indonesia. Moreover, the desire to support the incumbent was carried out in a celebration organized by the government, meaning that people's money was used.

Take for example what was done by the Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo), Rudiantara. The moment was present when an employee tried to associate two choices of the 2019 Presidential Election socialization design into a political space on January 31, 2019. The employee chose number two.

Rudiantara is like straightening out the choice of its employees. He criticized the employee by saying not to connect with politics. Rudiantara also reminded who paid him. The response drew criticism because he forced his subordinates to vote for Jokowi.

The presidential candidate camp number two was not happy. They asked Bawaslu to act immediately because at the ministerial level he was a campaigner, not working for the people.

"The action taken by Rudiantara is categorized as a campaign because it directs people to choose the number one pair (Jokowi-Ma'ruf) by questioning and intimidating ASN about whose salary."

"This is wrong and a vulgar violation is committed. This is an election sentence that is threatened with 3 years imprisonment. Rudiantara should know that the salaries of ASN and also the salaries of the president and ministerial salaries come from the APBN, from public money, not government money, let alone Jokowi's money. This is a fatal mistake," said BPN spokesman Prabowo-Sandi, Ferdinand Hutahaean as quoted on the Tirto page, February 1, 2019.

The Rudiantara case has not yet been resolved. At that time, a new case was masterminded by Hendrar Prihadi. The Mayor of Semarang in the 2013-2022 era commented on Jokowi's side when Jokowi's event met with businessmen in Semarang Town Square on February 2, 2019.

Hadi revealed that those who did not choose Jokowi were prohibited from taking toll roads. This view boils down because the era of the Jokowi administration of development was carried out massively. Hadi's comments did not escape the polemic. His side as a state official is considered a violation of the election.

Hadi also received criticism from here and there. Hadi is considered politically mature. Alias does not understand the concept of democracy. The Indonesian people are free to choose who the leader is. Hadi also attracted the attention of national news.

This condition made Hadi immediately reappear to the public. He clarified his remarks on February 4, 2019. He emphasized that the ban on using toll roads was just a joke that he had no intention of anything. He did not consider the talk of the people who criticized him. He likes to challenge the people to condemn him again.

"So like it or not, Pak Jokowi, everyone uses toll roads, right? That's all it's enough, it's understood separately. Finally, it was acknowledged that the toll road construction was for the entire community, meaning that the construction was felt. ."

"What do you want to comment on, you want to curse me, please. That means my words are noticed. It's actually good, rather than continuing to insist that building a toll road is not for the benefit of the community," said Hadi as quoted on the tempo.co page, February 4, 2019.

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