Indonesian Bawaslu Mita Ranks Prepared To Face 296 Pilleg Dispute Reports 2024
Illustration of Bawaslu. (Antanews)

JAKARTA - The Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) of the Republic of Indonesia has asked its staff in the provinces and districts/cities to prepare evidence to deal with 296 reports of disputes over General Election Results (PHPU) or disputes over the 2024 Legislative Election (Pileg).

The Indonesian Bawaslu also asked the regional Bawaslu to prepare mental maturity because the atmosphere of the trial was considered to be able to put pressure on Bawaslu as a statement.

"Without a good mentality, even though a written statement has been prepared, when entering the courtroom, you can forget. The mentality is strengthened first by discussing with colleagues who have experience earlier," said Lolly in his statement, April 25, quoted by Antara.

He also asked all ranks of the regional Bawaslu to train discipline, especially in attendance time. Therefore, he emphasized that nothing should be late when it was scheduled to provide information.

"I hope the discipline of time and going to Jakarta is not tight. Mentally ready can be tarnished if we are not disciplined," he said.

Furthermore, he reminded every regional Bawaslu ranks who spoke to deliver information in the Legislative Election PHPU trial in order to master the problem, and not to discuss things that were not asked by the Court Judge.

He asked the regional Bawaslu ranks to be able to focus on the data and information needed in the trial in the future.

"Focus on questions from the panel or the principal of the argument that are relevant for us to answer, and according to needs. If there is a problem (in the relevant area), make sure the evidence is not disclosed because here our supervision is at stake," he said.

In line with Lolly, Indonesian Bawaslu Member Totok Hariyono also asked the regional Bawaslu ranks to be able to master problems when conveying the truth and facts in the trial, so that Bawaslu's face remains good.

"The Bawaslu muka is with us, so this is our responsibility to the state. This is a shared responsibility. Please work, have a good fight," said Totok.

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