Arrested In Bangkok, Viral Blast Trading Robot Boss Wibowo Detained In Criminal Investigation Detention Center
Wadirtipideksus Kombes Samsul Arifin/PHOTO IST

JAKARTA - Putra Wibowo, the founder of the Viral Blast trading robot who became a fugitive in a fraudulent investment case, was arrested in Bangkok. He was immediately detained at the Bareskrim Detention Center.

"The arrest by the Bangkok immigration authorities then coordinated with the police attach in the Republic of Indonesia in Bangkok to contact the Police DivHubinter," Wadirtipideksus Kombes Samsul Arifin at the National Police Headquarters, Jakarta, Saturday, January 27.

After coordinating, the Indonesian Interpol team in thehubinter Division with the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police picked up the suspect Wibowo's son in Bangkok.

Samsul explained that the beginning of Putra Wibowo's arrest was based on immigration violations for escaping in 2022 during the criminal process by Dittipideksus.

"Last night, Alhamdulillah, everyone is safe to return to Jakarta and today will start serving a period of detention at the Bareskrim detention center," explained Samsul.

The loss of victims from the fraudulent investment case of the Viral Blast trading robot reached IDR 1.8 trillion against 11,930 victims, the mode of inviting victims to promise big profits by trading forex.

"There are four suspects that we have processed and three have been convicted because they have received a legal decision with Rizky's sentence of 20 years, then Zainal 20 years and brother Sunday 16 years," explained Samsul.

The officers also carried out filing checks including tracking of assets owned by Putra Wibowo.

The suspect was charged with Article 105 Jo 106 of the trade law, Article 378 and the crime of money laundering with a maximum penalty of 20 years.

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